Digging Deeper Daily: By Daily Bible Reading PodcastSample

In Numbers 15, we found out that there were sacrifices that could be made for unintentional sins— whether done by the whole community or by an individual. But there was no sacrifice to cover an intentional sin— such as working on the Sabbath, as was so clearly illustrated by the man who gathered wood on the Sabbath. Then at the very end of chapter 15, we heard the instruction about the tassels with a blue cord that were to hang on the four corners of the Israelites’ garments. Those are the tassels that Tevia in Fiddler on the Roof doesn't know the meaning of.
While this is a song praising God’s unfailing love, notice how some parts of this poem are so appropriate to what we just read about Dathan, Abiram, and Korah.
LUKE 23a:
Chapter 22 ended with Peter's denial of being a follower of Jesus, and we heard of the council's decision against Jesus.
About this Plan

Congratulations on starting TODAY on a life-transforming journey! The Digging Deeper Daily plan will help you be successful in your commitment to read the whole Bible in a year. The unique order of the readings— together with the brief devotional notes, will help see the various threads that unify the message of the Old and New Testaments.