Foundational Stones Of Salvation - Jesus Is Greater Series #3Sample

Foundation Stone 4: Laying On of Hands
Thoughts on the Word
Reviewing the six foundation stones of our faith found in Hebrews 6:1-2.
1. Repentance from Dead Works
2. Faith in God.
3. Baptisms (cleansing a past)
4. Laying on of hands (empowering a future)
Laying on of hands:
This is all about being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
· Empowered to live out new life (Romans 8:11)
· Empowered to understand (1 Corinthians 2:12)
· Empowered to bless (1 Peter 3:9)
The laying on of hands means that we have access to the power of God. It is not just the pastor that has access to this power. Every one of God’s children have the Spirit of God alive in them. God wants us to learn how to use the power of the Spirit so that He can work freely through us and touch our world.
God has given us His Spirit - there is so much potential available. His power can make our lives totally different, His power helps us understand God's word and His heart for us, and His power enables us to bless others everywhere we go and in every situation we face. That is a lot of power that we have!
So today – practice it! Use it!
You are connected to the power source - move!
Father, I try to do great things in my own strength and wisdom. What would happen if I just waited for you to give me understanding for today, and then relied on Your strength to accomplish it? Would I even recognize what happens? Would I bless people that I would normally avoid? Would I release blessings to people that I never know are hurting?
Father, that is what You asked Jesus to do. He did it in the power of the Holy Spirit. You have said that I can do those things too. So I ask that today I can do them as well. Help me listen, help me be obedient and help me to do it boldly. In Jesus name, Amen.
About this Plan

The strength of a building lies in its foundation. In the natural sense, the main purpose of the foundation is to hold the structure above it and keep it upright. This definition of the purpose of the foundation applies even more to our spiritual lives. In Part Three of Nine of our Hebrews devotional plans, we see just how important it is to have a solid spiritual foundation.
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