Stormproof MenSample

Intimacy with the Lord
“Is it even possible to experience purity?” If I do not believe it is possible, I will still lose the battle. Many times, we feel overwhelmed and overpowered by the temptation. But, God’s Word emphatically answers, "Yes, you can experience purity!” Paul wrote, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” He doesn’t say it will be easy, automatic, or without slip-ups, but the Bible does say “It is possible!” So, how do I experience it? What do I need to know? What do I need to do? How do I do it? What do I do with my day-to-day thoughts? What do I do when temptation confronts me? That’s the purpose of this plan. To give biblical and practical tools to help you experience sexual purity. Do you want to? Only you can answer this. Is it possible? According to God’s Word, yes!
The third question comes to mind before we can answer the "how to." If we have a wrong answer here, we'll try the wrong approach which addresses the wrong problem. And that question is, “What do we think God thinks of us?” Notice I didn’t ask, "What does God think of us?" but rather, "what do we think He thinks?" The answer to these two questions may not be the same.
God sees me as His adopted son, recognizes my sin, but encourages me to walk right. He may use divine discipline as an act of love to correct me when necessary, but that is not His usual first response. This view focuses on my position in Christ but also recognizes that God does not ignore my sin. I am convinced of this! At the heart of this view is an understanding of the gospel and what God has done on our behalf when we believe. First, what is required for salvation?
So, we are saved by just believing in Jesus Christ as the One who died for our sins and was raised from the dead, who gives eternal life to any and all who believe in Him. This initial salvation has no strings attached - that is, our works are not necessary to earn, keep, or prove our salvation. The moment we are saved, God changes our standing before Him forever. In the book of Ephesians Paul describes the work of the Trinity regarding our salvation. Paul tells us of
- our adoption as sons through Jesus Christ
- our redemption through His blood
- the forgiveness of our trespasses
- being sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise
About this Plan

Since Scripture is true, since God is faithful, and since God promised He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure, we have real hope for success and real help from Him. The purpose of this plan is to help discover such hope and help – and to experience purity before the sexual struggle engulfs us. Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes!