Girl Defined By Kristen Clark And Bethany BairdSample

Day Five
The Battle of the Sexes
Scripture: Romans 12:2
When God created Adam and Eve, their lives were perfect. It was easy for Eve to fulfill her role as Adam’s wife. She accepted God’s design for her femininity. She delighted in it. It was easy for Adam to lead selflessly. It came naturally to him.
Then one day a slimy snake slithered onto the scene and strategically targeted Eve. All it took was one little question. One little seed of doubt. “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?’” (Genesis 3:1).
Notice what Satan did here. He deliberately questioned God’s authority. Satan knows that God’s Word is the foundation for all truth. If he can get us to question what God says, then he can deceive us into believing a lie. And that’s exactly what he did to Eve. She questioned God and her foundation crumbled. She took a bite of the forbidden fruit and then gave some to Adam.
What was the consequence of their disobedience? Sin. The trust, love, peace, and security they enjoyed were shattered. Their punishments were sex-specific, making it harder for them to function according to God’s design. Sin messed up Eve’s womanhood. Sin messed up Adam’s manhood. At that moment, the battle of the sexes was born.
Fast forward to today, and we’re still reaping the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin. It’s the reason we push against God-defined gender roles. It’s what causes us, as Christian women, to struggle to embrace God’s design.
Males and females were created to reflect different parts of God’s character and nature. Have you ever stopped to think about the unique features God gave to us as women? Seriously! Our bodies are built differently than a man’s. We typically have softer skin, smaller muscles, and slighter frames. We have the capacity to get pregnant and carry a baby inside of our wombs. We tend to be more relational and nurturing. God hardwired us to be different from men for a reason. And that reason should matter to us.
Our womanhood has been scarred but not severed. Damaged but not broken. We serve a God who is in the restoration business. What Satan meant for evil, God will use for good. And it starts with you. It starts with us.
In what way could you choose to go against the current of society this week and celebrate your unique femininity?
About this Plan

Are you tired of trying to keep up with a culture of air-brushed supermodels and counterfeit femininity? We are too. Do you often wonder if you’re “good enough”? Yup, we get that too. That’s what led us on a search to discover God’s design for us as women. It turns out we are enough when we embrace the freedom (and fulfillment!) of being who God created us to be.
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