Sufficiently Secure, Supernatually Saved, Single, Satisfied & Set ApartSample

God has set you apart ordaining you with a supernatural anointing. You are indeed the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that you should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).
You were created for good works. Your earthly relationship status doesn’t qualify you for good works, it is your relationship with God that activates what God has anointed you to do in this earth.
Living for God requires obedience and going against what the world deems as acceptable. It even means living a life during your single season that is totally set apart and peculiar to the norms of the world.
Although scorning, scoffing and mocking will come your way, trust God that he sees your sacrifice and will bless you for your obedience and the seeds you’ve sown during this season. Living set apart is a challenge but God has already equipped us because he said that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us. Continue to remain in God to bear fruit.
Singleness is the time for self-reflection and aiming to seek God in a more intimate way.
Living set apart means living as an ambassador and imitator of Jesus Christ.
Living set apart is resisting Satan in every attack on your mind, with God's truth.
Living set apart is standing for righteousness, even if you have to stand alone.
Only God has the power to anoint you to do his will. The will of God in your single season can be found in the Word of God, sought after in prayer and revealed to you by & through the Holy Spirit.
Every relationship takes work, the relationships with family, friends and loved ones and most importantly our relationship with God takes work on our end.
Knowing this one should aim to practice living a set apart life independently so when the time comes for marriage and family those values are so ingrained that the seeds take root producing a harvest of God's goodness and truth.
There is nothing wrong with living a set apart life, the blessings that follow can be discovered in God's word. Be encouraged to boldly stand for God, thanking Him for setting you apart and anointing you for His purpose and glory. God loves you and you are Sufficiently Secure, Supernaturally Saved, Single Satisfied, & Set Apart.
About this Plan

God created you to do great works. When we remain in relationship with God, He will continue to reveal his plan for our lives. Singleness doesn’t equate to loneliness, lack of desirability or failure but is an opportunity to discover the blessings and plan God has for one’s life. This Bible plan will encourage readers to discover that in Christ they are Secure, Set Apart, Saved and Satisfied!
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