Discover Your Purpose (ID Seminar Companion)Sample

Day Three
Seeing Past Successes and Failures
In the same way that unresolved pain can hinder your ability to recognize who God has created you to be, both your successes and failures can become blind spots to recognizing who you really are.
These can be achievements that you can’t see past—a degree that you earned that you insist must be a part of God’s call on your life. Or it could be a failure that has caused you to believe the lie that God would not call you to do what you love or have a passion for because you are not good enough, or could never be the best.
Do not let your successes and failures define you. Ask God how He sees you, and what the purpose is that you were created for. Reject the lies that you are not good enough. God has created you as a unique reflection of who He is. Only you can reveal that facet of His beauty, glory, and love to the world. You were created for a plan and purpose that only you can fulfill.
About this Plan

Most of us feel God calling us to something more — something specific that is uniquely ours to offer. When we feel the weight of that calling, we often don’t know what it is or what to do about it. ID Seminar devotional will help you to discover the unique life mission God has planned for you — because once you know it, you’ll have the confidence to take the next step toward your destiny.