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Leviticus 6

Additional Laws for Burnt Offerings
1#Leviticus 6:1–30 in the English Bible is 5:20–6:23 in the Hebrew Bible  Then#Or “And” Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, 2“When a person#Or “a soul” displays infidelity#Literally “acts unfaithfully infidelity” or “is unfaithful in unfaithfulness” against Yahweh and he deceives his fellow citizen regarding#Literally “in” something entrusted or a pledge#Literally “a pledge of a hand” or stealing or he exploits his fellow citizen, 3or he finds lost property and lies about it and swears falsely#Literally “in accordance with deception” in regard to#Literally “on” or “upon” any one of these things by which a person#Literally “the man” might commit sin, 4and when#Literally “and it will be when” he sins and is guilty, then#Or “and” he shall bring back the things he had stolen#Literally “the robbed things that he had stolen” or what he had extorted#Literally “the extortion that he had extorted” or something with which he had been entrusted#Literally “something entrusted that had been entrusted to him” or the lost property that he had found, 5or regarding#Literally “from” anything about which he has sworn falsely,#Literally “in accordance with deception” then#Or “and” he shall repay it according to#Literally “in” its value and shall add one-fifth of its value to it—he must give it to whom it belongs#Literally “to whom it is to him” on the day of his guilt offering. 6And he must bring as his guilt offering to Yahweh a ram without defect from the flock#The Hebrew term refers collectively to both sheep and goats (small livestock animals) by your valuation#See 5:15 and 18 as a guilt offering to the priest, 7and the priest shall make atonement for him before#Literally “to the faces of” Yahweh, and he shall be forgiven anything#Literally “one” from all that he might do by which he might incur guilt.”#Literally “which he might do for incurring guilt by it”
8Then#Or “And” Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, 9“Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the regulation of the burnt offering: The burnt offering must remain on the hearth#Literally “It shall be the burnt offering on a hearth” on the altar all night until the morning, and the altar’s fire must be kept burning on it. 10And the priest shall put on his linen robe, and he must put his linen undergarments on his body, and he shall take away the fatty ashes of the burnt offering that the fire has consumed on the altar, and he shall place them#Hebrew “him/it”—plural required by the English “fatty ashes” beside the altar. 11And he shall take off his garments and put on other garments, and he shall bring out the fatty ashes outside the camp#Literally “to from an outside place of the camp” to a ceremonially clean place, 12but#Or “and” the fire on the altar must be kept burning on it; it must not be quenched. And the priest must burn wood every morning#Literally “in the morning in the morning” on it,#Antecedent for this 3fs suffix is “fire” (“altar” is ms) and he shall arrange the burnt offering on it,#Antecedent for this 3fs suffix is “fire” (“altar” is ms) and he shall turn into smoke the fat portions of the fellowship offerings on it.#Antecedent for this 3fs suffix is “fire” (“altar” is ms) 13A perpetual fire must be kept burning on the altar; it must not be quenched.
Additional Laws for Grain Offerings
14“ ‘And this is the regulation of the grain offering. Aaron’s sons shall present it before#Literally “to the faces of” Yahweh in front of#Literally “to the faces of” the altar, 15and he#That is, the priest; understood by context and 3ms verb in his fist shall take away from it some of#Literally “from” the grain offering’s finely milled flour, and some of#Literally “from” its oil and all of the frankincense that is on the grain offering, and he shall turn into smoke its token portion on the altar as an appeasing fragrance to Yahweh. 16And Aaron and his sons must eat the remainder of it; they must eat it as unleavened bread in a holy place—in the tent of assembly’s courtyard they must eat it. 17It must not be baked with yeast. I have given it as their share from my offerings made by fire. It is a most holy thing,#Literally “a holiness of holinesses” like the sin offering and like the guilt offering. 18Every male among Aaron’s sons may eat it as a lasting rule among your generations from the offerings made by fire belonging to#Literally “of” Yahweh. Anything that#Or “Everyone who” touches them will become holy.’ ”
19Then#Or “And” Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, 20“This is the offering of Aaron and his sons that they shall present to Yahweh on the day of his being anointed: a tenth of an#Hebrew “the” ephah of finely milled flour as a perpetual grain offering, half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening. 21It must be made#Or “prepared” in#Or “with” oil on a flat baking pan; you#Singular masculine must bring it well-mixed; you must present pieces of a grain offering’s baked goods#Or “broken bits” (JPS, NET, NIV) as an appeasing fragrance to Yahweh. 22And the anointed priest taking his place from among his sons must do it. As a lasting rule, it must be turned into smoke totally for Yahweh. 23And every grain offering of a priest must be a whole burnt offering; it must not be eaten.”
Additional Laws for Sin Offerings
24Then#Or “And” Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, 25“Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the regulation of the sin offering: In the place where the sin offering is slaughtered, the sin offering must be slaughtered before#Literally “to the faces of” Yahweh; it is a most holy thing.#Literally “a holiness of holinesses” 26The priest who offers the sin offering#Literally “one who offers it a sin offering” must eat it in a holy place—in the tent of assembly’s courtyard. 27Anything that#Or “Everyone who” touches its flesh will become holy, and when some of#Literally “from” its blood spatters on a#Hebrew “the” garment, what was spattered on it you#Singular masculine shall wash in a holy place. 28And a clay vessel in which it was boiled must be broken, but#Or “and” if it was boiled in a bronze vessel, then#Or “and” it shall be thoroughly scoured and rinsed with water. 29Any male among the priests may eat it; it is a most holy thing.#Literally “a holiness of holinesses” 30But#Or “And” any sin offering from which some of#Literally “from” its blood is brought to the tent of assembly to make atonement in the sanctuary must not be eaten; it must be burned in the fire.’ ”

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