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2 Timoteo 2

Lequil soldado yu'un te Jesucristoe
1Te ja'at Timoteo, te jnich'anat ta co'tane, ich'a me yip awo'tan ta swenta yutsil yo'tan te Jesucristoe. 2Spisil te bila calojbat awaiy ta stojol tsobol testigoetique, ja' me xawac'bey snopic uuc te winiquetic te jun yo'tanic ta stojol Dios, te ya xju' yu'unic yaq'uel ta nopel ta stojol uuc te yantique.
3Soc ts'ica me awocol ta lequil soldadoil yu'un te Jesucristoe. 4Melel te mach'a ochem ta soldadoil, ma snujp'in teme ja' ya xbajt' ta yo'tan te bila swenta nax yat'el stuquele. Ja' ya sc'an ya spas te bila lec yo'tan yu'un te mach'a wentainbil yu'une. 5Ja' nanix jich te mach'a ya yaiy tajimale, ma sta smajt'an yu'un teme ma ba jich ya xtajin te bit'il ay sc'oplale. 6Te mach'a ya x'at'ej ta q'uinal, ja' neel ay ta swenta yich'el te bila ya xloc' ta c'ajele. 7Na'ulaya me spisil te bila la calixe. Ja' me ya yac'bat ana'bey swentail ta spisil te Cajwaltique.
8Juluc me ta awo'tan te Jesucristo te cha'cuxesot tel ta bay te animaetique, soc te ja' sts'umbal te muc' ajwalil Davide, jich bit'il ya yal te lec yach'il c'op te yacon ta xcholele. 9Ja' ta swenta in lec yach'il c'op to te ayon ta woclajele. Melel chuculon ta cadena jich bit'il te mach'a baquel mulil staoj ta stojol te ajwalile, ja'uc me to, ma xju' ta chuquel stuquel te sc'op Diose. 10Jich yu'un spisil me ya sts'ijc' cu'un ta scaj te mach'atic tsabilic yu'un te Diose, swenta yu'un jich me ya staic scolelic soc te yutsilal sbajt'el q'uinal ta swenta te Cristo Jesuse.
11Mero melel in to:
“Teme lajotic soque, pajal ya xcuxinotic soc.
12Teme ts'ijc' cu'untic te jwocoltique, ya me join jbatic ta ajwalil soc.#1 P 5.1.
Teme la jmuc ta co'tantique, ya me smucotic ta yo'tan uuc.#Mt 10.33; Lc 12.9.
13Teme ma junuc co'tantique, ja'uc me to, jun yo'tan ta jtojoltic stuquel.
Melel jamal ya yal sba stuquel te Diose”, te xie.
Jtul abat te lec ya xc'ot ta loq'uele
14Ac'beya sna'ic spisil te yantique, soc pasa me ta mandal ta stojol te Cajwaltic te manchuc ya xbajt' yo'tanic ta sjowil sjaq'uel te tsaltomba c'ope. Melel ma'yuc swentail xujt'uc, soc ja' nax ya xjinbot yo'tanic yu'un te mach'atic ya yaiyic stojole. 15Antaya me te bit'il lec ya xc'oat ta loq'uel te c'alal ya atejc'an aba ta stojol te Diose. Jich bit'il te mach'a lec ya x'at'ej te ma sta q'uexlal yu'un te yat'el soc te stojil ya yac' ta nopel te smelelil c'ope. 16Ijq'uitaya me jilel spisil te jontol aiyejetique, melel te mach'atic yat'elinejic yalele, yanyan ta ch'ayel ta yo'tanic Dios yu'un. 17Te bila ya yaq'uic ta nopele jich ya xlajinwan te bit'il cancer te ma'yuc xpoxile. Jich ayiquix te Himeneo soc te Fileto. 18Ja'ic te la yijq'uitayiquix te smelelil c'ope, te melel ya yalic te c'otix ta pasel te cha'cuxele. Jich ay cha'oxtulic te ch'ayix xch'uunjel yo'tanic yu'une. 19Ja'uc me to, te yiptajib yac'oj te Diose, ma'yuc ta nijq'uesel stuquel. Ay sello yich'oj te jich ya yale: “Na'bil sbaic yu'un Dios te mach'atic yu'une”,#Nm 16.5; Jn 10.14; 1 Co 8.3. xi'. Soc ya yal: “Spisil te mach'atic ya yalic wocol ta stojol te Cajwaltique, ac'a jiluc yu'unic spisil te mulile”, xi' xan.
20Ta bay muc'ul na, ma ja'uc nax ay ta tuuntesel tey a te bila pasbil ta oro, soc ta platae. Ay pasbil ta te' soc ta ajch'al. Ay tey a te t'ujbil te ya xtuune, soc ay tey a te ma t'ujbiluc te ya xtuune. 21Jich yu'un teme ay mach'a la yutstes xan sba ta leque, t'ujbil me ya xc'ot. Jich yu'un ch'ultesbil me ya xc'ot yu'un te Cajwaltique, jich me chapal ya xc'ot yu'un spasel spisil te lequil at'elile.
22Ma me xac'ain spasel te bila amen ya smulanic spasel te jch'ieletique. Ja' me xbajt' ta awo'tan te toj ya x'ainate, soc te ayuc lec xch'uunjel awo'tan soc xc'uxul awo'tan, soc te lamaluc q'uinal awu'un. Joina te mach'atic lec yo'tanic te ya yalbeyic wocol te Cajwaltique. 23Ma me xawac' achiquin ta yaiyel stojol jowil sjaq'uel c'opetic te ma'yuc swentaile, melel ana'oj stojol te ja' nax ya xjajch' c'op yu'une. 24Melel te mach'a ay ta abatinel yu'un te Cajwaltique, ma xju' ya spas guerra. Ja' ya sc'an te ay yutsil yo'tan ya xc'opoj soc spisil te yantique, soc ya sc'an te bin nax yo'tan ya xp'ijubteswane, soc te ya sts'ic swocole, 25soc te lamal yo'tan ya stojobtes te mach'atic ya xcontroinwanique, soc ya smaliy yil teme ayuc bit'il ya sujt'es yo'tanic ta stojol te Diose swenta yu'un ya me sna'ic uuc te smelelil c'ope. 26Jich me ya xcolic loq'uel ta syac te pucuj te bit'il chucbilic yu'une, swenta ya x'ac'bot spasic yu'un te bila ya sc'an yo'tane.

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2 Timoteo 2: TZOXCH





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