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Matiu 8

Tisase áko beseko tetouwólc eyee fa liako e youyale, helo le
(Mak 1.40-44, Luk 5.12-14)
1Tisase liouko teko weou kla uwokeoko tane, elio mena tc bofio bo wlele. Bo wlewo, li lisobo tieli ae you helo kimo tc kla bo wlelele. 2Kla bo wlelo, lio lokono somo, áko beseko tetouwólc eyee fa lia Tisaseko tc bo ihanenoyale. Ihanenoyeoko, Tisase helo ikeli tino owelao bo lelioko, blaikeoko tc kale. "Welifle, neno muku yoko ukenokoko emito, yowo áko sosowo e youyaikekemi." 3Teko kawo, Tisase ka tc eikafe tiale. Helo loono tieoko tc kale. "Seli. Yo neleko ukeinokomo. You te!" Tane, teko bc kawo, helo áko beseko tetouwólc eyee helo loona tc bofio fele. Bofio fewo, helo loo you tc bole.
4Youyawo tane, Tisase toko tc ko betikofule. "Yo neleko emo leko liou feiko ko fuaneikemi. Ei, no Tielusaleme saomo feniko, tébele imo fe. Teno feniko ki yeelc lia somo helo mene tino fe hékete. Fe héketeniao, neleko nane leleko wenenoyaneko tc kaikekeme. 'Neno áko beseko tetouwólc eyee fakeya temilc! Bc you temi.' Teko kano tane, no Mosese kale lowane yeelelele héniko, ki yeelc lia moso nee, neno híno Kotoko wekio yeenokoko. No teko eikemito, liou toko naneleko tc wenenoyeabekebe. 'To lia áko beseko tetouwólelele eyee fakeya. Bc you teme tane.' Liou neleko teko wenenoyalokoko, teko fe e." Tisase to liako teko tc ko weale.
Tisase Lomo welifle weno somo helo hale elc liako e youyale, helo le
(Luk 7.1-10)
5Tisase to liako e youyeoko, helo kimo tc fele. Feoko, Kabeneame saomo tc fe uwofule. Fe uwofuwo, lio lokono somo to moso tc bole, Lomo mena bo liou 100-bela helo welifle weno somo. Tisase moso booko tc konale. 6"Welifle Weno, no yowo hale elc lia somoko uke. Helo ikeli ka limae uwokabo, yowo ino táko teme. Táko temeko, loo bo ae hémeko, tc enemaneko teme. No toko uke." 7To welifle teko konawo tc kole. "You. Yo neno imo fenoko tc e youyaikomo." 8Teko kale tekokolc, to Lomo bo lioule welifle weno tc ko betikofule. "Hano Welifle Weno, yo yeketa liakeyo. Yo li sao lia tekota no yowo imo hcbc boukemino. Ei, le komo ko. Le komo kaikemito, yo weneno. To bcsosowo, bc youyaikekeme." 9To welifle teko koeoko tc kale. "Yo weneno, hekeke neno kamo teme. Yo fato liou feile hekeke tukumo temoko, bo liou fei helo weno tc temo. To bo liouko hekaeko telelele hekeke yowo kamo teme. Tane, yo bo lia somoko teko kaikomo. 'No fe!' Teko kainoto, bc feikekeme. Tane, yo bo lia feiko teko kaikomo. 'No bo!' Yo teko kainoto, bc boukekeme. Wó, yowo mome hale elc lia somoko kaino, 'No tekoko hale fe e!' Kainoto, bc fe eikekeme. Tane, yo weneno. Yo hekeke fa temoko bo liouko kounono tc ekae e ebe lowane, tekoko lowane no eyeeko ko klikoulelele hekeke fa temi. Tekota no le komo kaikemi, to bcsosowo. Yowo hale elc lia bc youyaikekeme."
10Tisase Lomo welifle weno helo le leleoko tc uwoflokoloyale. Uwoflokoloyeoko li lisobo tieli ae, helo kimo kla bolc liouko tc heafio koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu le koumo. Ele Lomo lia helo mokeyu koleleleno hekekemo héketelelele, helo wanowo, to lokouwonokeyo. To ae welie welie you neiyomo hekekemo hehékete e eme. Yo helo mokeyu koleleleno héketelelele lowane, yo nobo Isclele lia somoko tekoko mokeyu koleleleno teno héketelelele te lowane nomo nane ekeyo. Nabeo nabeo you."
11Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko teko kounokomo. Li sao liou tieli ae fei fei, wiya fei fei mena, ne ti mena, ne se mena, hobomo fio mena boleko, Koto helo liouko hekaeko telelele saomo bc fe to teabekebe. Beibei saomo teko fe to teleko, Eblahame, Aiseke, Tiekobu fafuo kekekowĂłko be tc beko teabekebe. 12Li sao liou tieli ae teko eabekebelc. Liou fei, to Koto hekaeko telc Tiuta liou fio mena bobowĂłlc liou tekokolc. Koto to Tiuta liou feiko fifimo li likofi wlaeno, bĂ­kolc ae welie youno teno tc teabekebe. To bĂ­kolc ae welie saono telele liou menowĂ­ ae welie sĂ­nowĂłko teleko, teito i haneno tc hikaeko teabekebe."
13Tisase to liouko teko kouoko, Lomo bo liouko hekaeko telc welifle wenoko tc heafio kole. "No imo eiko fe. Sosowono no yoko mokeyu molalekami lowane, tekoko lowane bc bo uwofukekeme." Tisase teko kawo tane, to hale elc lia akomo you tekokotano komo tc youyale.
Tisase Bita helo elole inale eyee e youyale, helo le
(Mak 1.29-31, Luk 4.38-39)
14Kimo Tisase Bita helo imo tc fele. Fe séko feoko tc nanele. Bita helo elole ina wálono loo tobawi eyee fa táko tele. 15Wálono táko tewo naneoko, Tisase to loo tobawi fa elole kano eikawe tiawo, to tobawi eyee tc youyale. Youyawo tc selile. Seli héketeoko, be lioko, Tisaseko be tc li bo neele.
Tisase liou ae tieli helo biowalewĂłleleleko ekae youwĂł ele, helo le
(Mak 1.32-34, Luk 4.40-41)
16Tisase Bita helo elole inako e youyale helo kimo, alasio ne bc wle osukawo, liou ésolo biowale fa telc liou, wé eyee fei fei fa liou, tekoko liou tieli ae Tisase moso tc li eleae bolele, toko ekae youwánokoko. Teko eleae bolo, Tisase to ésolo biowaleko mome le komo ko eoko tc klikou wlae ele. Wó fei, keli tetekokele eyee fei fei fa liou, tekoko liou emiele helo eyeeko tc ekae youwó ele.
17Tisase teko ekaeleto, belimo Aisaia Klaise Liale le ko fuane nenele lowane, sosowono tekoko lowane tc ele. To teko nenele.#8.17 Ais 53.4 "Teli nobo loomo biowalewĂłlelele ekae youwĂł eoko, nobo eyee fei fei emiele fako tc ekae youwĂł ele." Tisase to le lowane sosowono teno ekae yo kwitikale.
Tisase tei tuoko kla bolelele wanowo, helo le
(Luk 9.57-60)
18Liou tieli tieli ae you Tisase moso bo tolo, lalouoko helo tukumo telc liouko tc koule. "Sei! Nobo foku wisonomokaemo o fesoko." 19Teko kaleno, lio lokono somo tc bo kole, ifei leko weoulc lia somo. "Weoulc Lia, no hobomo hobomo fe fe eikemito, yo neno kimo tc kla bo eikomo." 20Teko kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc hábeale. "You, tekokolc. Amiti mena beto, tálelele ya ke fa tebe. Wó ai fato, tálelele hle fa tebe. To teko tebelc. Yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yowelito, i fakeya lia. Tane, no yowo kimo teko kla boukemito, no fato sosowono mome teko teikekemi."
21Tisase to liako teko kawo, lio lokono fei, toko kckla hóólc lia tc kole. "Welifle, beli no yoko nane weo. Yo beli eiko fenoko, yowo aeyele imo fe teinokomo. Tane, aeyo bc onuano, see yonoko, kimo eiko bonoko neno kimo tc kla boukomo." 22Kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc kale. "Ei. Tebita komo yowo kimo kliko bo. Keli bese liou komo tebeto, to teli tei tu liou limaeabeto, to teli see yaloko. Nenelito, yoko kla bo."
Tisase le komo kawo, emisi kalokawo, wi osowo you tele, helo le
(Mak 4.36-41, Luk 8.22-25)
23Tisase to liou tieli ae lukofiaeoko, imukumo nanimo tc to wle keatele, foku wisonomokaemo feinokoko. Teko ewo, helo tukumo telc liou fa kliko feleko tc to wle felele, somomo. 24Imukumo teko to wle kekowáleko, iyoboafuleko, tc o felele. Teko olo, Tisase imukuno tá wleoko tc táko tele. O felele, o felele, wi wábuno tane, wé! Emisi ae bole! Bowo, wi ae momabeo bukoko eleto, hano lokouwonokeyo! Ae welie welie hekekemo teko momabeo bukoko e bowo, wi imukumo tc to to wle ele. Imukumo to to wle ewo, hano! Imukuno wi ae to wle buóko eoko, naowleinokoko elelc. Tisase selikeyo. Nomuku tá mekliale. 25Helo tukumo telc liou toko naneleko, luo muku eleko, Tisaseko tc mokwalele. "Welifle Weno! Wi noboko síklikae uwokainokeme tane! No oko ukou!" 26Teko kolo, Tisase wesiowe tc koule. "Metako nobo luo ae you tc omu? Hanome! Nobo yoko mokeyu koleleleno hábomo héwliakeyo!" Teko kouoko, seli héketeoko, emisi wi fafuoko tc kou betikofule. Teko tc koule. "Emisi, wi fafuo osowo telo!" Bc kawo, emisi fakeya, wi momabeo bukokolelele fakeya, osowo you tc telele. 27Helo tukumo telc liou toko nane uwoflokoluwáleko, teli haneno helo wábuno tc úlele. "Ele liato, fei fei fei you! Tetekokele emiele, emisi wi fako, helo le tukumo tebe!" Teko tc úlele.
Tisase liou himolc helo halio ke mena Ă©solo biowale klikou wlaele, helo le
(Mak 5.1-17, Luk 8.26-37)
28Tisase helo liou fafuo foku wi wisonomokaemo o feleko, Katala liou telc fiomo temo tc fe leiyalele. Fe leiyaleko, ya somo tc felele. Teko olo, ésolo biowale fa liou himolc, limae liouko likolc tobeki ke fio mena bofialeko, Tisase moso tc bo ihanenoyalele. Hano, to liou himolc teko boleleto, osowo te bolc lioukeyo. Ei, muku sékawi akomo akomo ekaelc liou himolc. Liou fei to monomo bo eleleto, liou towono fe e olo, to liouko otokae teiyo eleko, tc ekae biowalewó uwoko weo elele. Tekoko liou telele tekota liou emiele to liou himolcko luo eleko, to monono hóó ekeyo. Kalokalele. Tane, Tisase helo tukumo telc liou fafuo, to monono boko teleko, to ésolo biowale fa liou himolcko tc bo ihanenoyalele.
29Bo ihanenoyaleko, ésolo biowale, to liou himolc helo halio kemo telc ésolo biowale Tisaseko teko nane wenenoyaleko, le hekekemo tc kuáko helealele. "No Koto helo Lokono, no o moso bomito, oko meta helele méíyáinokoko bomi? Olc wesiowe nani lilelele helo fako nomo bokeyo tekokolc no bomito, oko ekae biowalewáinokoko bomi o?" 30Tane, to ésolo biowale teko kaleletano, welinakeyo ba tieli ae, somomo léko hóólc ba elio usumo ya bekaeko telele. 31Teko bekaeko tolo, eikato naneleko, Tisaseko le hekekemo tc konoko telele. "No oko ele liou himolc, te mena klikou wlaeinokemito, no oko mome lalou wlae, o mete ba tieli helo halio kemo seséwó feabiko." 32Teko kalo, Tisase tc koule. "Sei! Nobo bo felo." Teko kouwo, to ésolo biowale to liou himolc moso mena bofialeko, ba helo halio kemo tc seséwó felele. Bc seséwó felo, akomo you ba emiele elio usu mena tc hliwá wlelele. Hliwá wleleko, foku wimo tc fe wlelele. Teko fe wleleleto, hano, ba emiele wi tc síklikae uwokale. Wi síklikae uwokawo, emiele tc limae uwokalele.
33Teko olo, ba fokokaelc liou Tisase ele toko naneleko, luo eleko, sao ae weliemo le tc hé hliwá felele. Hliwá feleko, to le tc fe ú baelele. Teko eleleto, memeta helele emiele, Tisase halekoko ekaele le, ésolo biowale fa liou helo le, to le emiele komo tc li fe ú fifiyalele. 34Ū fifiyalo, to le teko leleleko, to saona li lisobo emiele Tisase moso boleko, le neiyomo tc bo kalele. "No o fafuo teikemi! Olc ya mena bofianiko, fe!" Le hekekemo teko bo olo tc felele.

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Matiu 8: SIA





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