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1 Maccabees 5

The Wars of Judas
(2 Maccabees 10.14-33; 12.10-45)
1When the neighboring nations heard that the altar and the temple were again ready to be used in worship, they became furious 2and were determined to kill every Jew who lived among them. So they started killing the Jewish people.
3Judas fought back by attacking the Idumeans,#5.3 Idumeans: Greek “descendants of Esau in Idumea”; they were earlier known as Edomites. who had often ambushed the people of Israel. Finally, in the region of Akrabattene,#5.3 Akrabattene: Southwest of the Dead Sea. he wiped out most of them and took everything of value.
4-5Then Judas promised God, “Now I'll destroy the Baeanites, that gang of robbers and murderers who set traps for Jewish travelers.” So he ordered his troops to surround the towers where they were hiding and to burn down the towers with everyone inside.
6Judas also invaded the country of Ammon, where someone by the name of Timothy ruled a large number of people. Timothy's army was strong, 7and Judas had to attack many times before completely destroying it. 8Judas captured the town of Jazer and its villages, then he went back to Judea.
Simon and Judas Win More Victories
9Some of the Israelites in Gilead took shelter in the fortress at Dathema, because an army of Gentiles in that region planned to attack. 10Then they sent a letter to Judas and his brothers. It said:
An army of Gentiles is about to surround us at Dathema, 11and their leader is Timothy.#5.11 Timothy: Probably a different Timothy from the one mentioned in verse 6.
12Please send help at once. These Gentiles have not only killed many of us, 13but they've robbed and murdered just about every Jew in Tob#5.13 Jew … Tob: Or “Jew in Tobias' army.” and captured their families. Almost 1,000 have already died.
14Before Judas finished reading this letter, messengers arrived from Galilee. They had torn their clothes to show their sorrow, 15and they said, “An army is ready to destroy us. It is made up of Gentiles from all over Galilee and of troops from the cities of Ptolemais, Tyre, and Sidon.”
16Judas and his troops listened to these reports. Then they called together a large group to decide what should be done to help those who were in danger and under attack. 17Judas said to his brother Simon, “Take some soldiers to Galilee and rescue our people. Our brother Jonathan and I will lead an army to Gilead.”
18-19Judas left two officials, Azariah and Joseph,#5.18,19 Joseph: Greek “Joseph son of Zechariah.” in command of his troops in Judea, and he told them, “You're in charge. But don't attack the Gentiles until we return.”
20Simon led 3,000 soldiers to Galilee, and Judas took 8,000 to Gilead. 21In Galilee, Simon had to attack the Gentiles many times before completely destroying them. 22He and his soldiers pushed them back to the city of Ptolemais, where they killed about three thousand Gentiles and took everything they wanted.
23Simon brought the Jews of Galilee and Arbatta,#5.23 Arbatta: A region between Ptolemais and Jerusalem. along with their families and their possessions, to Judea. When they arrived, everyone was shouting and celebrating.
Judas and Jonathan in Gilead
24Meanwhile, Judas Maccabeus and his brother Jonathan crossed the Jordan River and traveled through the desert for three days. 25Some friendly Nabateans#5.25 Nabateans: A desert tribe who lived in this region. told them everything Timothy#5.25 Timothy: See the note at 5.11. had done to the Jews in Gilead. 26-27They said:
Your people are being kept prisoner in the large, walled towns of Gilead, including Bozrah, Bosor, Alema, Chaspho, Maked, and Carnaim.
Besides this, the Gentiles are going to attack your fortresses tomorrow, and in one day they can overpower your troops there and kill everyone.
28Judas and his army saw that the attack had already begun, so they hurried along the desert road to Bozrah. They captured the town and killed every man and boy in it. Then they took everything of value and set the town on fire.
29That night, Judas and his army left Bozrah and went straight to the fortress of Dathema, 30where they arrived early the next morning. More Gentiles than could be counted were attacking the fortress with ladders and weapons to break through the walls.
31Judas knew that the battle had begun, because shouts to God and trumpet blasts were coming from the fortress. 32So he told his army, “Today you must fight for your people!”
33Judas divided his army into three groups. Then a signal was blown on the trumpet, and the troops shouted prayers as they attacked the enemy from behind. 34When Timothy and his army realized that Judas Maccabeus was leading the attack, they tried to escape. But he attacked them fiercely, and about 8,000 of them were slaughtered that day.
35Judas led his army to the town of Maapha,#5.35 Maapha: Some manuscripts have “Alema.” which they attacked and captured. Then after killing the men and boys and taking everything of value, they burned the town. 36Judas also captured the other towns in Gilead, including Chaspho, Maked, and Bosor.
37Timothy then got together another army and camped on the other side of the stream near the town of Raphon. 38Meanwhile, Judas had sent out spies who came back and told him, “Timothy has a large army of Gentiles from all around here, 39and he has even hired some Arabs to join him. He's camped on the other side of the stream, eager to fight with you.”
Judas led his army to meet them, 40and they took up their positions near the stream.
When Timothy saw them, he said to his officers:
If Judas crosses the stream to attack, we won't have a chance, and he will destroy us. 41But if he stops and sets up camp on the other side of the stream, that means he's afraid of us. Then we will cross over and destroy him.
42Judas ordered his troops to move close to the stream, then he told his officers, “Stand here beside the stream and make sure that no one stays behind to set up camp. Everyone must join in the attack.” 43Afterwards, Judas led all the troops across and wiped out Timothy's army.
The enemies threw down their weapons and ran for safety to a temple#5.43 temple: In ancient times people were supposed to be safe if they were in a temple. in the town of Carnaim. 44But the Jewish troops captured Carnaim and burned the temple down with everyone inside. Carnaim was left in ruins, and the Gentiles in Gilead stopped bothering Judas.
Judas Returns to Judea
45-46Judas brought together the Jews of Gilead, no matter how rich or poor they were. Then they set out for Judea with their families and all of their possessions. On the way, this large crowd came to the walled town of Ephron.#5.45,46 Ephron: East of the Jordan River, about 20 kilometers southwest of Lake Galilee. They had to go through the town, because it was impossible for them to take their families and possessions around it. 47But the people of Ephron piled up stones in front of the town gates and refused to let them pass through.
48Judas sent a friendly message to the town, saying, “Please let us pass through. We're on our way to Judea, and we won't make any trouble.” But the people of Ephron still refused to let them in.
49So Judas ordered his troops to set up camp there, 50and they attacked Ephron all day and night. When they broke through the walls, 51they killed the men and boys and took everything of value. Then they destroyed Ephron and walked right over the dead bodies on their way through the town.
52Judas crossed the Jordan River and came to the great valley near the town of Beth-Shan. 53From there, he led the people to Judea, encouraging and helping everyone, especially those who were dragging behind. 54After they had arrived safely in Jerusalem, they went to the temple and offered sacrifices.
Azariah and Joseph Are Defeated
55-56Joseph#5.55,56 Joseph: Greek “Joseph son of Zechariah.” and Azariah were in command of the Jewish forces in Judea, when they heard about the victories of Judas and Jonathan in Gilead and about Simon's success in attacking the town of Ptolemais in Galilee. 57And they said, “Let's attack the Gentiles around here and make ourselves famous!”
58So Azariah and Joseph ordered their troops to attack the fortress of Jamnia, 59where Gorgias#5.59 Gorgias: See 3.38,40; 4.1. and his army were stationed. The enemy came out of the fortress to fight, 60and defeated Joseph and Azariah, chasing their troops all the way to Judea and killing about 2,000 of them.
61This battle was lost because Azariah and Joseph disobeyed Judas and his brothers by trying to win a victory for themselves. 62God had chosen the family of Judas to rescue Israel, and Azariah and Joseph were not from that family.
63Judas and his brothers became even more famous among both Jews and Gentiles, 64and people traveled to Jerusalem to honor them.
Judas Fights More Wars
65Judas and his brothers left Jerusalem with an army to invade the land south of them where the Idumeans#5.65 Idumeans: See the note at 5.3. lived. Their army surrounded the town of Hebron and its villages; then they destroyed its fortresses and burned its towers.
66On their way to invade the land of the Philistines, Judas and his brothers came to the town of Marisa.#5.66 Marisa: Some manuscripts have “Samaria.” 67That same day, some priests foolishly started a battle because they wanted to become heroes. But instead they died in the fighting.
68Judas and his troops turned aside into the territory of Azotus,#5.68 territory of Azotus: The Greek text has “Azotus in the land of the Philistines,” referring to territory where the Philistines had lived years before the time of the Maccabees. where they tore down the altars and burned the wooden idols. Then they attacked and robbed some nearby towns before returning to Judea.

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