Ạsuor 30
Ịiḅereghi ọngoom ạḍiseph
1Mị aboom ni nyịna Ọmoogh-we phọ ịdi eḍighi bọ nạ mụphel ịmi ạsighe.
Nạ ómeera mọ ạbumulogh-ḍien phọ ạmi oboh.
2Ẹnaan ạmi Ọmoogh-we phọ,
mị umoghi aphoghomiom nyịna kụ nạ muukonom ịmi.
3Ọmoogh-we, nạ mạtophoron uwaloor phọ ạmi sịphe oḍi phọ apune.
Nạ maḍighi ịdi mị makpetenaan ḍuugh.
4Ịmooraan Ọmoogh-we phọ sụor,
nyina awe ạghusan phọ ọdi,
ẹḅile ẹngo ghan nyọdi ḍịseph
ẹetughianam ghan rạraar iigbia phọ ọdi,
5ịdi eḍighi bọ ọghagh ologhi ọdi rábia ghan,
ọnma ighirigiir phọ ọdi rámuneen ghan, eekuna ílho.
Emoghi ketue ni ẹtol ḍughul,
kụ ọlo iboh retu ghan ni ḍịroor.
6Kụ mị, mị ạḅem mọ,
“Dọl ẹelha phọ ạmi ạḍien ịmi kúgboton.”
7Ọmoogh-we, loor ọnma ighirigiir phọ ạna,
nạ mụkparami ịmi ịdipho ẹeḅaraph lọ ẹkpar.
Nạ ụaaghinaan ni ịmi ghisigh phọ ạna
kụ ịiḅaghami ni ịmi.
8Ọmoogh-we, mị ramoghiom nyịna,
ḅịle kẹn mị rạaḅereghi ghan nyịna,
9“Ọghen ạsuo kụ ẹdi ịḅaal phọ ạmi kẹmoogh mem dị muḍi ịmi?
Ọposo phọ kaboom ni nyịna ḍụghum?
Kạgba ni iiḅi phọ ạna amitiom?
10Nạghan, Ọmoogh-we, ụnma ịmi ighirigiir.
Nạ kụ kụloghonaan ịmi ḍịghaagh.”
11Nạ manme ọto phọ ạmi atene iboh.
Nạ mạkarion rukpe-ọto phọ ạmi,
umunemi ịmi ọḅaal ologhi.
12Esi ịduon phọ mị káḅoorian,
mị kạmoor ghan sụor aboom ghan nyịna.
Ọmoogh-we, nạ kụ Ẹnaan ạmi.
Mị kạmoor ghan sụor ạsephom nyịna kꞌagee-pọ.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 30: ẠḌI

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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS