Ạsuor 29
Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ sịphe oologh phọ
1 #
Ạsuo 96.7-9
Iboom Ọmoogh-we phọ, nyina ạbuphe edi bọ kꞌạke,
eboom eghuan phọ ọdi rꞌịikpo phọ ọdi.
2Ịngo Ọmoogh-we phọ eghuan dị ẹkasian rꞌaḍien phọ ọdi,
kụ ekpuḍian ghan ẹeḅereghi ghisigh Oye Aruukuan phọ.
3Ịnaghan ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ ẹpe ạriphiiny phọ.
Ẹnaan arughuenian ạmaphaan
kụ ẹḍogh ọdi emenyon ạnyu ọphiiny phọ.
4Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ ẹmoogh ni ịikpo;
ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ ẹḅaram ni rughuenian rꞌeegu.
5Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ rebunughi ghan rạsaga,
rebunughi ghan ghạlamo rꞌạrasaga ịpe ạLebanon.
6Kụ raḍighi ghan ịdi ạraaḅaraph ạLebanon repeleghu ghan dịadi ạnmuny ạsinam,
ạḅile aḍighi ịdi Eegum ạHermon epeleghu ịdipho onyugheel ạnam.
7Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ remitiom ghan nem ạnian.
8Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ repighemi ghan ẹdala phọ;
Ọmoogh-we phọ rapighemi ghan ẹdala phọ aKades.
9Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ meḍighi ịdi oghunughun rakun ọya ọnuen.
Ẹḍogh Ọmoogh-we phọ reḅonyon ịla ireeny ẹpe ẹekpua phọ.
Kụ sịphe Otu Ịiḅereghi phọ ọdi oomo awe phọ rọmoor ghan koboom rughuenian phọ ọdi,
ọḅile rọkaaph ghan ịlo eegu phọ ọdi.
10Ọmoogh-we phọ ạtol ạnyu ạmuum-aḍigho phọ;
Ọmoogh-we phọ ạtolom ạgada ạbudaam kꞌagee-pọ.
11Ọmoogh-we phọ rạngo ghan we phọ ọdi ịnyaam;
kụ ạḅile ạsephom bịdi rꞌẹepho.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 29: ẠḌI

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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS