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Proverbs 29

1One who becomes stiff-necked,
after many reprimands
will be shattered instantly —
beyond recovery.#Pr 1:24–31; 6:14–15
2When the righteous flourish, the people rejoice,
but when the wicked rule, people groan.#Ex 2:23; Est 8:15; Pr 11:10; 28:12,28
3A man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father,#Pr 10:1; 15:20; 23:24–25; 27:11; 28:7
but one who consorts with prostitutes destroys his wealth.#Pr 5:9–10; 6:26; Lk 15:13,30
4By justice a king brings stability to a land,#2Ch 9:8; Pr 29:14
but a person who demands “contributions”#29:4 The Hb word for contributions usually refers to offerings in worship.
demolishes it.#Pr 17:23
5A person who flatters his neighbor
spreads a net for his feet.#Pr 26:28; 27:6; 28:23
6An evil person is caught by sin,#Pr 12:13; 18:7; Ec 9:12
but the righteous one sings and rejoices.#Ex 15:1
7The righteous person knows the rights#29:7 Lit justice of the poor,#Jb 29:16; Ps 41:1
but the wicked one does not understand these concerns.
8Mockers inflame a city,#Pr 11:11; 26:21; 29:22
but the wise turn away anger.
9If a wise person goes to court with a fool,
there will be ranting and raving but no resolution.#29:9 Lit rest#Pr 26:4
10Bloodthirsty men hate an honest person,#Gn 4:5–8; 1Jn 3:12
but the upright care about him.#29:10 Or person, and seek the life of the upright
11A fool gives full vent to his anger,#29:11 Lit spirit#Pr 12:16
but a wise person holds it in check.#Pr 16:32; 25:28
12If a ruler listens to lies,#1Kg 22:8,21–23
all his officials will be wicked.
13The poor and the oppressor have this in common:#29:13 Lit oppressor meet
the Lord gives light to the eyes of both.#Pr 22:2
14A king who judges the poor with fairness —
his throne will be established forever.#Ps 72:4; Pr 16:12; 25:5; Is 11:4
15A rod of correction imparts wisdom,#Pr 13:24; 22:15
but a youth left to himself#29:15 Lit youth sent away
is a disgrace to his mother.#Pr 10:1; 17:25
16When the wicked increase, rebellion increases,
but the righteous will see their downfall.#Ps 37:34,36; 58:10; 91:8; 92:11
17Discipline your child,#Pr 13:24 and it will bring you peace of mind
and give you delight.
18Without revelation#29:18 Lit vision#1Sm 3:1; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11–12 people run wild,#Ex 32:25
but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.#Ps 119:2; Pr 8:32; Jn 13:17; Jms 1:25
19A servant cannot be disciplined by words;
though he understands, he doesn’t respond.#Mt 18:17
20Do you see someone who speaks too soon?#Lv 5:4; Jdg 11:30–31,34; Pr 10:19; 17:27; 19:2; 20:25
There is more hope for a fool than for him.#Pr 26:12
21A servant pampered from his youth
will become arrogant#29:21 Hb obscure later on.
22An angry person stirs up conflict,
and a hot-tempered one#29:22 Lit a master of rage increases rebellion.#Pr 15:18; 26:21; 28:25
23A person’s pride will humble him,#2Sm 22:28; Mt 23:12; Jms 4:6
but a humble spirit will gain honor.#Pr 11:2; 15:33; 18:12; 22:4
24To be a thief’s partner is to hate oneself;
he hears the curse but will not testify.#Lv 5:1; Jos 7:19; Zch 5:3–4; Jn 9:24
25The fear of mankind is a snare,#Gn 12:12; 20:2; 1Sm 13:11; Lk 12:4; Jn 12:42–43
but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected.#29:25 Lit raised high#Pr 14:27; 18:10
26Many desire a ruler’s favor,#Pr 16:15; 19:6
but a person receives justice from the Lord.#Is 49:4; 1Co 4:4–5
27An unjust person is detestable to the righteous,
and one whose way is upright
is detestable to the wicked.#Pr 29:10; Mt 10:22; Jn 15:18; 1Jn 3:13

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Proverbs 29: CSB





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