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Proverbs 16

1The plans of the heart belong to man,
but the reply of the tongue is from the Lord. # Pr 16:9; 19:21
2All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
but the Lord weighs the spirit. # 1Sa 16:7; Pr 21:2
3Commit your works to the Lord, # Ps 55:22; 1Pe 5:7
and your plans will be established.
4The Lord works out all things for Himself,
even the wicked for the day of evil. # Job 21:30; Ro 9:22
5Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; # Pr 6:16–17
be assured, he will not go unpunished. # Pr 11:21
6By mercy and truth iniquity is purged,
and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. # Pr 14:16; Da 4:27
7When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. # Ge 33:4
8Better is a little with righteousness
than great revenues without justice. # Ps 37:16; Pr 15:16
9The heart of man devises his way,
but the Lord directs his steps. # Ps 37:23; Jer 10:23
10An oracle is on the lips of the king;
his mouth must not transgress in judgment.
11A just weight and balance belong to the Lord; # Pr 11:1
all the weights of the bag are His concern.
12It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness,
for the throne is established through righteousness. # Pr 25:5; 29:14
13Lips of righteousness are the delight of kings;
they love him who speaks what is right. # Pr 14:35; 22:11
14The wrath of kings is as messengers of death, # Pr 19:12; 20:2
but a man of wisdom will appease it.
15In the light of the king’s countenance is life,
and his favor is like a cloud of a spring rain. # Job 29:23–24; Ps 72:6
16How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding than silver! # Pr 8:10–11, 19
17The highway of the upright departs from evil; # Isa 35:8
he who guards his way preserves his soul.
18Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall. # Pr 11:2; 18:12; Ob 3–4
19Better it is to be of a humble spirit among the poor, # Isa 57:15
than to divide the plunder with the proud. # Ex 15:9
20He who wisely heeds a word will find good,
and he who trusts in the Lord, happy is he. # Ps 2:12; Pr 19:8
21The wise of heart will be called prudent,
and the sweetness of the lips increases learning.
22Understanding is a fountain of life # Pr 10:11; 13:14 to him who has it,
but the discipline of fools is folly.
23The heart of the wise guides his mouth,
and adds learning to his lips. # Pr 15:28
24Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, # Ps 19:10
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. # Pr 4:22
25There is a way that seems right to a man,
but its end is the way to death. # Pr 14:12
26The appetite of a laborer works for him;
his hunger urges him on. # Ecc 6:7
27An ungodly man digs up evil;
in his speech is a scorching fire. # Jas 3:6
28A perverse man sows strife, # Pr 15:18
and a whisperer separates close friends. # Pr 17:9
29A violent man entices his neighbor,
and leads him in a way that is not good.
30He winks his eyes to plot perverse things;
pursing his lips, he brings evil to pass.
31The silvery hair is a crown of glory; # Pr 20:29
it is found in the way of righteousness.
32He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, # Pr 14:29; 19:11
and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
33The lot is cast into the lap,
but the decision thereof is from the Lord. # Pr 29:26; Jon 1:7

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Proverbs 16: MEV





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