Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Micah 7:18

To The Glory Of God
3 Days
Have you ever encountered the glory of God, and does your worship reflect the full significance of His glory? I pray these guided audio meditations will open your eyes to the glory of God and the truth that there is none other like it. Everything in your life is leading to bringing Him glory, and dwelling in the Shekinah beauty, the visible manifestation of the presence of God!

Free From Guilt
3 Days
Are you feeling guilty? Guilt is a powerful feeling that can paralyze you in your spiritual life, affect your relationships and your mental or physical health. With this 3-day plan, I want to help you discover God's solution for living free from guilt. God wants you to find joy, peace and hope.

God's Promises For The Hungry Heart, Twelve
4 Days
Promises! Who doesn't want certainty. We CAN depend on God! It has been said there are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testaments. The following verses can help you draw near to the Lord and rest. God's word has promises you want in your heart regarding dating, anger, hope, money, trust, suffering and even sex. Stop relying on empty promises people make. Lean on God's promises.

Losing My Voice To Find It By Mark Stuart
5 Days
Losing My Voice to Find it is a 5-day plan by Mark Stuart of Audio Adrenaline. In this plan Mark urges readers to listen for God's voice and to embrace his big love that calls us into a big life.

Real Hope: Forgiveness Changes
5 Days
We've all experienced hurt and pain from wrongdoing - we believe that forgiveness can bring freedom and hope - that it can shine a light in a world where forgiveness is not always the most frequent response. To understand how forgiveness changes us, we first need to understand that forgiveness has been given to us by our loving heavenly Father.

Forgiveness Is Freedom
6 Days
Are you ready to let go of the hurt that is holding you from living your life? Do you believe that any remaining pain, betrayal, guilt and shame can be gone today? I invite you into a week of healing as you learn to let go of the hurt and find healing in forgiveness.

Forgiveness Sets You Free
7 Days
Do you want to be free from bitterness as well as physical and mental stress? Then start forgiving! Forgiveness is one of the hardest commands. To forgive doesn’t mean to forget but to free yourself from the person who wronged you, by changing your feelings and attitude. This plan helps find your inner peace. Free yourself from anger by forgiving others and start living a life of joy and happiness.

Remnant: A Study in Micah
7 Days
Micah’s prophetic ministry called attention to the oppression of the poor, the injustice of leaders, and the unfaithful messages of false prophets. The solution to Judah’s sinfulness is simple: “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8). Despite their sinfulness, Micah prophesies a time of peace when God will gather a remnant of His people to be ruled by a Shepherd-King born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2-5).

She Is Redeemed: The One Encounter That Changes Everything
8 Days
Embark on a transformative journey with the Samaritan woman at the well. Discover how her encounter with Jesus brought healing and redemption to her broken past. Through reflections, prayers, and powerful testimonies, you'll find hope and restoration for your own life. Join us in experiencing the incredible gift of redemption and walk boldly in your identity as one who is truly redeemed.

Finding Freedom in Jesus
12 Days
Jesus says: “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). That sounds good, since freedom is something we are all looking for! This reading plan introduces twelve types of freedom that can all be found in Jesus.

Unlimited Love
14 Days
Unlimited Love will inspire you with the proven power of God’s love in action. Written by Dr Desmond Ford and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, it is their prayer that Unlimited Love will take you deeper into God’s promises of His unlimited love for you. Each day also includes personal reflections designed to apply practical lessons to your daily life.

Your Move
15 Days
No matter what our family experience is, we all know that with family comes complications, challenges, and unique circumstances unlike any other relationships in our lives. The family we came from and the family we’ve made continue to shape us. They are also the people who can leave us with the most pain and the most regret. In this devotional, we’ll discover how to navigate the relationships with our family.

Sorry Not Sorry
15 Days
Forgiveness feels like something that we know we should do, but it isn’t always something we actually do. We all sometimes find it hard to live out forgiveness in our everyday lives. It’s hard to find a way to let go, but what if there is a way to let go and forgive? In this devotional, we’ll look at the way forgiveness can work in our lives to move us toward freedom for ourselves and others.

Who Is God?
23 Days
One of the most important questions answered in the Bible is: “Who is God?” This Reading Plan takes you through 23 key passages about God’s character. Do read with us to deepen your knowledge of God and your relationship with Him.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation
24 Days
Forgiveness is a big word, but what exactly does forgiveness mean? And what are the consequences if we don't forgive? And what is the difference between forgiving, pardoning and reconciling? This reading plan is structured like an Advent calendar: 24 “doors” and behind each one a little treasure awaits you about the incredible gift that Jesus gave you for Christmas.

Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly
26 Days
We are surrounded by injustice and pain. We see it not only in our world but also in our own lives and it can be disheartening and overwhelming. But we are not without hope. This is what Micah is all about. He is not afraid to get in our face about some hard topics like sin and judgement.

More to the Story
28 Days
God's story is not a story meant to be put away on a shelf somewhere, but it's one we're meant to explore and experience because we're deeply connected to it. In this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll take a look at the story of God and see how we can make a difference in our communities because we know there's more to the story.

The Believer
30 Days
The Believer is Pastor Jim Cymbala’s brand new video series for those beginning their walk with the Lord or any believer in Christ who wants to go back to the basics of the Christian faith. Topics include “Salvation,” “The Bible,” and “Prayer.”

Micah: Justice + Mercy
30 Days
In this 30-day expository study, we'll go passage-by-passage through the Old Testament Book of Micah. Explore powerful themes of God's righteous justice and judgment as well as His enduring mercy and compassion. We'll also get to see shadows and shades of the coming restoration and victory that would come through Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

The Character And Attributes Of The Godhead
31 Days
Come and learn about God! Discover the character and attributes of the Godhead—God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit—as you meditate upon Him for this 31-day reading plan. You will grow to TRUST IN, DELIGHT IN, and REFLECT His character in your life, and also notice ways in which you WRONGLY STRIVE after or against specific attributes which belong to God alone.

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 7
31 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Seven of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘Israel’s Exile, Judah’s Further Decline: 730 BC–615 BC’.

Daily Bible Reading – October 2021: God’s Word of Justice
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Justice.”

Daily Bible Reading – October 2023, "God’s Saving Word: Justice and Peace"
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Saving Word: Justice and Peace.”