Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 22:67

Easter Meditations: The Price That Was Paid
3 Days
In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, let's take some time to stop, dive deep into Jesus' journey to the cross, and invite Him to bring you fresh revelation of this season. It is helpful to have a journal with you as you reflect on the questions, and to track what God reveals to you in this time!

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment
5 Days
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves…be as shrewd as snakes…innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Culture is ever-changing, meaningful conversations can become more difficult as hostility increases. This plan will encourage you to learn from Jesus example as he engaged with the interested, only sought to intrigue the disinterested, and deflected the hostile. He both thrived and achieved his purpose on earth despite hostility, and so can we!

The Essential Jesus (Part 16): The Crucifixion of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why He is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how He treated people, why He did miracles, the meaning of His death, the significance of His resurrection, and what the Bible says about His second coming.

Real Hope: The Passion - Week 1
6 Days
Easter is a time to reflect on the immense sacrifice that Jesus made for us in His death on the cross and celebrate the phenomenal gift we’ve been given through His defeat of death on that cross. This is week one of three weeks that will journey through the Easter season, reflecting on the final hours of Christ. It will consider the betrayal and suffering He endured and reflect on the character of our Saviour King, who laid down His life for us.

God's Word For Life: Sixth Week Of Lent
7 Days
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent—a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal when Christians are invited to prepare themselves for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. Throughout the forty weekdays and six Sundays in Lent, pray and reflect on God’s renewing power.

8 Days With Jesus: Who Is Jesus?
8 Days
This walk will introduce you to Jesus and who He is. Take this opportunity to enhance and deepen your understanding of Jesus, the Son of God.

Holy Week Devotional
8 Days
He is risen indeed! Join us as we use Scripture to guide us through Holy Week and prepare our hearts for Easter.

Holy Week
8 Days
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. By following Christ's footsteps through daily scripture readings, take your own spiritual journey and prepare your heart for honoring him this Easter.

Love Remains Holy Week
8 Days
It’s hard to imagine what Jesus was thinking and feeling in the days leading to cross, but one thing we do know—his trust and assurance in the goodness and faithful love of God. Take a journey this Holy Week through the gospels, walk with Jesus, ask God a simple question, and encounter the vast love of God.

Easter Week Reading Guide : Readings for Holy Week
8 Days
This plan will guide you through the events of each day in Holy Week, from the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday to the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Come Alive: Easter in Everyday Life
9 Days
Easter can feel like another day on the calendar instead of a defining moment that impacts how we see every other day of our lives. Starting with Palm Sunday, this plan walks you through each day of Holy Week and draws out themes that remind us that with Jesus we don't experience new life just once a year, but every single day.

Walk of the Cross
10 Days
As we enter the Easter season, we take this opportunity to powerfully reflect on the final hours of Jesus’ life leading to the cross. Experience the Walk of the Cross guided by Scripture narration and an original soundtrack.

Step by Step: Walk With Jesus on Holy Week
10 Days
Walk step-by-step with Jesus in the events, places, and emotions He felt each day leading up to Easter, and beyond.

Journey Through Luke: Jesus' Death And Resurrection
12 Days
Journey through the book of Luke with Christian author Mike Raiter and meet our Lord Jesus. Read about Jesus' journey to the cross, His death and resurrection 3 days after! Be amazed at His authority over disease and death and hear His call to surrender, repent and be forgiven of our sin, following Him into a renewed relationship with God our Father.

The Gospel According To Luke
14 days
This reading plan explores the third Gospel. Luke described Jesus Christ as the one who saves. Humanity is lost and desperate, without help or hope, in need of salvation. The third Gospel reminds us that Jesus died to save us.

Jesus in All of Luke - A Video Devotional
19 Days
Luke is all about Jesus! This 13-day plan will walk you through the book of Luke by reading only 1-2 chapters a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

Jesus' Suffering, Death and Resurrection
19 Days
The season of Easter is widely celebrated by Christians around the world. The gospel of Luke gives us a detailed account of the events we remember at Easter: Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. These events are at the heart of the Christian faith.

Jesus' Final Visit to Jerusalem
20 Days
God with Us: The Four Gospels Woven Together in One Telling is a captivating new book that looks and feels like a paperback novel. But it’s not a story based on Jesus’ life, with fictionalized embellishment. It is the story of Jesus’ life, told entirely in the words of the four Gospels in the New Living Translation. This reading plan is not the full account of God with Us but takes you through select events during Jesus’ final week as he visits Jerusalem for the last time leading up to his death and resurrection.

Christ as Man: A Study in Luke
24 Days
Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful and powerful telling of the life of Jesus. Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man, the foretold Messiah who came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This Gospel shows us the “Upside-Down Kingdom” - that God uses what the world deems foolish and weak to shame the wise and strong.

The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke
24 Days
It's pretty easy to say you are a follower of Jesus but what does that really mean? How do you know you're following Jesus the way He says you should? Luke gives detailed insights as to what Jesus requires from His true followers. Parables, stories, lessons and challenges in being an authentic follower of Jesus is what you'll discover in this 24 day walk through the Gospel of Luke. You'll have a chance to answer compelling questions at the end if each reading that will challenge and inspire you to give your all to your Lord and Savior Jesus!

Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus
25 Days
As we enter the Christmas season, we are all eager to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the point in history where God descended into humanity to bring life to a broken world. Each day leading up to Christmas, we will provide an overview of the biblical significance of a location in Israel, along with a devotional prompt that will connect that location with the life of Jesus in Scripture.

Belmont University Advent Guide
28 Days
This Advent Guide comes from students, faculty, and staff at Belmont University. Advent is that season of waiting that carefully and purposefully helps us to realign our priorities and to glimpse, anew, our place before God. Our humble hope is this guide helps people focus more fully on Jesus Christ through the Advent season.

The Way of Suffering: A Journey to Easter
29 Days
The Via Dolorosa, Latin for 'Way of Suffering', is a collection of streets that Jesus walked on the day of his crucifixion. Over the next four weeks, you will digest the account of Holy Week as it's recorded in each gospel, then the account of the resurrection. We believe that in understanding this text and examining Jesus' Way of Suffering, you will learn to experience beauty in brokenness, too.