Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Galatians 5:1

Free to Serve
3 Days
Do you have a coffee or food menu item that you want to prepare a specific way? And then little patience if it's not? The theme of these guided audio meditations is serving and will perhaps help turn the tables. It will help you find your humanity by first learning to help others. Finding the freedom to serve and lighten the burden of another.

Entanglement Creates Cycles
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers through this bondage breaking devotional. When you are in Christ, He has set you free from the power of sin. The Blood of Jesus releases you from the weight of sin. When you are in Christ, sin has no authority to control you. When you are in Christ, the appetite of sin does not have to rule over you. Choose to be led by God.

The Thief Comes To Steal, To Kill, And To Destroy
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this yoke-breaking, generation transforming devotional. The thief wants to steal your harvest and everything that God has prepared for you. Satan wishes to steal your joy and your peace. Satan desires to sift you as wheat and to distract you from pursuing your God-given destiny. Christ came to set you free. Be free from every generational bondage as you read this life-transforming message.

With The Heart
3 Days
Share this College Devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Once you hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it becomes your choice to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is your choice to declare openly with your mouth that He is your Savior. The Gospel is simple. Let God lead your heart as you read this Gospel packed message.

Walk Worthy
3 Days
Share this College Devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-changing message. Your journey is a marathon and not a sprint. Run your race at your pace. Choose to surrender to God, and let Him lead your course, for He is the One who Called you. Don’t look to the left or to the right. Choose to focus forward. Choose to run your race with Christ.

For Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this yoke breaking devotional. When Christ is your Lord, He gives you the power to overthrow the enemy in every area of your life. When Christ lives in you, sin has to bow. When your heart is submitted to Christ, sin must flee. Surrender to Christ and let the bondage of the past go as you read this life-transforming devotional.

Having Therefore These Promises
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this wisdom-filled devotional. Choose to cleanse yourself with the Word of God. Choose to surrender to His Word and let His Word wash you from the inside out. Let His Word touch every part of your life. Let His Word clean your spiritual and moral character. Let His Word cling to every part of your heart as you read this timely message.

3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this wisdom-filled devotional. Are you looking to please men or are you looking to serve God? Choose to serve and honor God. Allow Christ to break the yoke of pleasing people. Choose to surrender to Christ’s way of doing things. Even if it’s not popular — choose to serve God in every aspect of your life.

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming message. When you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior — He becomes your Redeemer. When you accept Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior, He wipes your sins away. When Jesus becomes your Savior — you begin new in Him. Let God give you a fresh start as you read this timely message.

Goodbye, Yesterday!
3 Days
Bestselling author and empowerment specialist, Cindy Trimm, equips you with three laws to activate boundary-defying faith.

Break Every Chain
3 Days
We live in a world where spiritual chains hold us back from letting go of our guilt and bitterness, and hold us back from a greater relationship with Christ. John Eckhardt’s three-day devotional plan will set you on course to prayerfully break your chains and renew your relationship with God. Give over your burdens to the One who cares for you and be set free.

The Mind Of The Flesh
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Let Christ shape the framework of your life. Let the Holy Spirit lead and direct your footsteps. For the mind of the flesh is the carnal mind without Christ. To be carnally minded leads to death. Let God lead your heart as you read this life-transforming message.

Be Still And Know That I Am God
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Be still and know that He is God. Be still and exalt God above your circumstances. Be still and magnify God above your problems. Be still and amplify God’s Word above the cares of the world. Be still and know that He is God. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Overcoming Anorexia
3 Days
Anorexia is a type of eating disorder that many experience, yet few talk about. Allowing this debilitating illness to remain in the dark can only develop its power. In this short 3-day devotional, we will bring the issue to light. As we delve into scripture, we will discover what it takes to overcome anorexia.

Goodbye SHAME – Hello FREEDOM
3 Days
A motivational encounter with Jesus and Scripture, normalizing the often, unspoken areas of abuse and trauma. Childhood wounds are often kept secret for decades. There is a movement in the world and Church to speak the unspeakable and get free. This is a pathway to release shame and step into the power and freedom of Jesus and His covering. Confessing the stories that we keep and releasing the shame are powerful tools that change legacies and generational patterns.

The Cycle Ends Now With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
Do you ever feel like your life is going in a circle? One week, you feel like you’re walking free and delivered, and the next week, you feel like you’re back in bondage where you started. Christ has set us free, yet so often, we forget that we’re actually free. The cycle ends NOW! If you want to be affirmed or reaffirmed in the freedom you have in Jesus Christ, then this quick 3-day plan is for YOU! Yes, YOU! So what are you waiting for? Start this plan now and don't look back!

Freedom in Forgiveness
3 Days
Are you struggling to forgive people who have hurt you? Are you holding onto past bitterness and offense? Join me in this three-day devotional that will help you walk in freedom from the chains that are holding you back from growing emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. The Lord wants you to walk in the fullness of His joy and freedom today!

Overcoming Habitual Sin
3 Days
Many Christians become stuck in sin patterns and have little hope breaking free. This can lead to deep guilt, shame, and discouragement. In this three-day plan, you will begin a journey toward overcoming habitual sin by getting to the root of the issues through the power of Christ. Join us today.

Freedom Without Constraints!
3 Days
A love note found under my pillow and a prayer so powerful! The words on that paper came alive to me. Because I have a physical affliction, I began to realize how we allow things we can’t control to prevent us from being totally, free in Christ! May we learn to remove any constraints that keep us from living in freedom! (Devotional Cover includes picture of the note).

Allowing Our Children to Grow and Go: A 3-Day Parenting Plan
3 Days
An insight into the obvious: our children do not stay children forever! Actually, it often seems like no time at all – a “vapor,” as James puts it (Js. 4:14) – before parents face the day their sons and daughters leave the nest and fly off on their own. Part of anticipating that launch includes incrementally giving them increasing responsibilities and gradually granting greater freedoms. Let’s think about preparing for that time.

4 Days
Unchained is for Christians who don’t feel grace has changed their lives—and why it has.

Galatians 5: Living in Faith and Love
4 Days
The real issue is faith. It is a trust in God that shows by love and we show our real faith in Christ by the way in which we love. We come to have faith in Christ when we see what He has done. Love flows out of that, and as love grows, so too does faith.

Beating Anxiety at Its Own Game
4 Days
Anxiety in all its forms can be debilitating as it can throw us off balance and keep us bound in fear. This is not the end of the story though, for in Jesus, we find freedom and the grace to overcome the struggle. We don't just overcome it but we can be made better for it thanks to the word of God and the constant reassuring presence of God.

4 Reminders of Who You Are in Christ
4 Days
Having our identities firmly rooted in Christ is essential for living a life of freedom in Christ. In this plan we look at four elements of who God says we are as reminders to walk in freedom and purpose.

How to Forgive - Leading a Freedom-Filled Life
4 Days
Harboring unforgiveness can have a detrimental effect on our lives – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Withholding forgiveness from others and even ourselves robs us of the best life God has for us and can give way for bitterness to take root. In this 4-day devotional, we look at the topic of forgiveness and what the Bible has to say.