Die Reise zur KrippeBeispiel

Live Fully for Him
Jesus’ birth was the promise of hope and redemption for a people desperate for a new King. His life served as an example of how we should follow God in every circumstance. His death paid the price for our sins, allowing us to be restored in our relationship with God. His resurrection fulfilled the prophecies of old and defeated the power of sin and death. But Jesus’ ministry forever transcends generations and is still changing the world every day.
God sent His Son into the world the first time as a humble child, setting off His mighty plan of redemption. Jesus will return again as the triumphant King, whom everyone will proclaim as Lord. As we await His triumphant return, we can live for Him as new creations, fully alive.
And as we join Him in His restorative kingdom work that continues to this day, we honor His name as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Activity: Perform a small act of restoration. Pick up trash that isn’t yours or donate your discarded belongings to a thrift store.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

In einer stillen Nacht vor 2000 Jahren verkündeten Engel ein paar Hirten bei ihren Schafen die Nachricht, dass der Retter geboren sei. Daraufhin verließen diese Hirten alles, um ein Kindlein in einer Krippe in Betlehem zu suchen. Und diese Einladung ist bis heute dieselbe. Mach dich mit Dr. Charles Stanley auf den Weg, näher zu deinem Retter zu finden und lass dich von ihm ermutigen, in der Adventszeit Ruhe in der Liebe des Vaters zu finden.