Die Reise zur KrippeBeispiel

The Birth Was the Beginning
The message of Christmas doesn’t end with the tiny baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. We must remember the reason that baby was born. The full message of Christmas is that eternal God came to earth as a man to save His own creation. That tiny baby in swaddling clothes came for a purpose: He came to die.
Those tiny infant hands that twitched and worked themselves out of their wrappings within a rough wooden feeding trough were the very same carpenter’s hands that later were nailed to a rugged, wooden cross. They were the same hands that, though scarred, carefully folded His own burial wrappings after defeating sin and death so that He might give us eternal life. And they are the same hands that lovingly reach down and pick us up over and over again throughout this often-difficult life.
This Christmas season, when all seems so hurried and harried, don’t get caught up in the busyness and materialism.
Activity: Make something with your hands—a card, a drawing, a craft—and give it to someone as a spontaneous gift.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

In einer stillen Nacht vor 2000 Jahren verkündeten Engel ein paar Hirten bei ihren Schafen die Nachricht, dass der Retter geboren sei. Daraufhin verließen diese Hirten alles, um ein Kindlein in einer Krippe in Betlehem zu suchen. Und diese Einladung ist bis heute dieselbe. Mach dich mit Dr. Charles Stanley auf den Weg, näher zu deinem Retter zu finden und lass dich von ihm ermutigen, in der Adventszeit Ruhe in der Liebe des Vaters zu finden.