ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent NightBeispiel

ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent Night

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The Adventure:

Did you know the Bible is filled with different genres of books? A genre is a category or type of story. We hear about genres in movies sometimes with action movies, animated movies, romance movies, comedies, and so much more. In the Bible, there are different genres. There’s poetry in Psalms, there’s romance in Ruth, there’s action everywhere in the Bible, and of course, there’s adventure on every page of the Bible. The Bible is sixty-six different books inside of one big book with different genres and different sections. One of the biggest sections is the history. Now when you think of history you may think of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. But the Bible tells a history of God’s people.

In the history of God’s people, Saul is where things take a major turn. At this point in the history of God’s people, they are in the land God had promised to them and everyone is living in different tribes based on their family. They didn’t have a king like all the other nations around them because God was their King. But as you read in today's verses, God’s people rejected God as King and wanted to be like everyone else. Are there times when you want to be like everyone else? Times where you’d rather not listen to your parents or pastor and listen to other people instead. It usually does not end well

In the second verse we read we see that God was sad that they made Saul king. Saul was the first king and showed when you have bad leaders in your life things end badly. God knew what was going to happen and He knew that there would be good kings later but right then it was sad to see Saul be a bad leader for his people. Saul shows us that we need good leaders in our lives and wise people to listen to in our lives.

The Destination:

Where we find the best king is in Jesus. Jesus is the perfect leader, the perfect savior, the perfect example, and the perfect Lord. Christmas is a celebration and we celebrate that our perfect king was born. We do not find our hope in other leaders but Jesus. We can have good leaders in our life but none of them compare to Jesus.

Songs For The Journey:

Son of God by Chris Renezema

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ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent Night

Get ready for the adventure of Christmas as a family! Through this devotional, you and your family will go through the story of The Bible and how it leads to the destination of Christmas and the invitation of adventure on all of our lives.
