Pray the WordBeispiel

Pray the Word

Tag 1 von 3

Father, please give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better. Flood the eyes of my heart so I can understand the hope you have called me to. Help me understand our great power that lives in and for me, which is the same power you demonstrated when you raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at your right hand. Jesus, you are far above all rule, authority, power, dominion, and every name named. Open my heart to know that all things are under your feet, and you are the Head of the Church. Thank you, Father, that you watch over Your Word to perform it! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Die Heilige Schrift

Tag 2

Über diesen Leseplan

Pray the Word

The Bible is a manual for life. Let it be your guide and inspiration in communication with God. Speak to Him using His words. This Bible plan provides three days of Bible prayers to get you started!
