God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)Beispiel

God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

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Corruption in the house of God is a great trigger to get out of our comfort zone down to our knees.
Daniel, while soaking in the perks of royalty, is deeply aware that he and his people are captives due to persistent rebellion and disobedience. Knowing God’s patience and power, he prays for mercy for his nation in humble repentance.

In a series of visions, God unfolds the big picture on the future of the world including:

• The rise and fall of kingdoms (Vision of 4 beasts - ch 7) - Similar to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the image and latter visions of four kingdoms’ rise and fall – Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Greeks and Romans. Subsequently, the divided kingdom (10 horns, 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision) culminates with Christ gaining supreme control.

• The rise and fall of the Antichrist (vision of the ram and goat - ch 8), with Gabriel’s explanation – kingdoms (current and past events), and the antichrist (little horn)’s desecration of the sanctuary for 3 1/2 years represented by the little horn – (future events). His eventual destruction (“stone cut by no human hand” in Nebuchanezzar’s vision) is described following which Christ and his saints possess the kingdom.

• Christ’s coming and victory over evil (Gabriel’s response to prayer - ch 9 in 70 weeks). The angel reveals to Daniel that his prayer will be answered in 70 weeks of years implying 70*7 years. These seem to be divided. The first 69 weeks refer to the rebuilding of Jerusalem leading up to Christ's first coming. There appears to be a gap (v 26) during which Jerusalem and the temple is destroyed. There are wars and desolation for the Jews.
Finally (v 27), the tribulation and sacrilege is followed by Christ’s final and ultimate victory.

• Great tribulation, rapture, eternal death/life (God’s response to prayer - ch 10-12). The messenger (v 10:5), resembling Christ in Rev 1:13,14, exhaustively describes the rise and fall of kingdoms much of which have come to pass.

The gap in 11:35 is the purification period for the Jews and God’s people.
The events including the Antichrist, his desolating sacrilege and the final war culminating in his destruction (11:36 onward) are described with the great tribulation, rapture and judgment (12:1-3) and time frames.

Daniel’s prayer did not change the situation but enhances his perspective. Are we carrying Christ’s burden to heal the lost world?

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God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

Prophets take the limelight as kings flail, warning leaders and people of God’s impending judgment. For every true prophet there are several quacks pushing people back into delusion and complacency. Similar to our current day scenario - false teachers abound attracting millions. The few who stand for truth may appear victims but in God’s power are victors and sway the future. Exciting glimpses of the future are also touched upon.
