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THE WISDOM OF JAMES: For Life In God's WorldBeispiel

THE WISDOM OF JAMES: For Life In God's World

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The author of this book is James, the brother of Jesus, who moves from relative obscurity in the Gospels to real prominence in the book of Acts (Acts 1:13; Acts 12:1–2). Even though he is Jesus’ brother, James considers himself a servant (or even “slave” of Jesus) and goes on to preside over the church in Jerusalem, eventually becoming a martyr for the faith. This from one who originally was something of a sceptic (John 7:5). His transition to dedicated believer came after he saw the risen Jesus with his own eyes. The “twelve tribes” reference here reminds us that Christianity is the fulfilment of the hopes of Israel and of the continuity between faith in Jesus and the promises given to Israel. James’ letter comes with the authority of a representative of Christ’s Kingdom. 

Q. What do you think is the significance of James’ description of himself as a servant (slave) of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ? 


Father, thank you for your word, both the Old and New Testaments. Please renew my faith daily and teach me to be your servant in every part of my life. Amen.

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THE WISDOM OF JAMES: For Life In God's World

The book of James provides practical wisdom for living God’s way in God’s world. Over the next 14-days, we will examine James’ exhortation for us to look like true believers. There are real rewards in giving this book at...


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