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The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part ThreeBeispiel

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Three

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Daily Reflection: Philippians 2 provides a beautiful picture of the nature of Jesus Christ – a servant-minded, humble friend. In particular, Paul writes verses 6-11 as a poetic representation of the Gospel, with the central message focusing on the “upside-down” nature of God’s kingdom. It is the humble example of Jesus Christ that God’s people are called to replicate. Paul writes in verse 2 that this “like-minded” approach to living honors Christ while simultaneously places the interests of others ahead of one’s self. In other words, as God’s people follow Christ’s example of humility, the whole body will benefit from its implications.

Daily Demonstration: Return to today’s reading and focus on verses 6-11. Write down a few keywords that pop out as you read. For example, words such as equality, servant, humbled, and obedience may jump out of the page into your spirit. Reflect upon these words today. How can these concepts be modeled in similar ways that Jesus modeled them? Be confident that God will lead your steps to demonstrate his kingdom today.

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Über diesen Leseplan

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Three

Jesus is both fully man and fully God – YHWH in the flesh. Not only does he perfectly model the attributes of YHWH as God, but also the image of God as a human. Jesus is a beautiful model of the Kingdom presented on eart...


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