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21 Days of CelebrationBeispiel

21 Days of Celebration

Tag 8 von 21

Day 8

Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow, for you are united with the Anointed One!

Philippians 4:4 TPT


Are there areas of your life where you are yet to let joy overflow? Take a moment to think.


The realisation of being one with Christ is significant in knowing liberty, confidence and power. Very often people live with these qualities and enjoy their benefit in areas of life yet still have not surrendered all things to the Lord. This is your perfect opportunity to surrender to the reign of Jesus and see his overflowing abundance during every season.


Father, I commit my everything to you. There is no area I withhold from giving you. I choose you and your ways for everything, for all of me.

Die Heilige Schrift

Tag 7Tag 9

Über diesen Leseplan

21 Days of Celebration

Take the adventure through God's word and see transformation in your life as you exercise the muscles of celebration. Much is made about the need for a reason to celebrate. To truly understand the Good News is to focus ...


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