21 Days of CelebrationBeispiel

21 Days of Celebration

Tag 14 von 21

Day 14

Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.’”

Jeremiah 29:7 NIVUK


What are the issues or concerns in your city that need to see the peace and prosperity of God?


Why would you or anyone else not demonstrate obedience and maturity by seeking “the peace and prosperity of the city to which you are called, and pray to God for it”? 

Don’t wait. Start now. Not by telling him of all that is wrong, but by asking that it becomes more and more evident that he is present and at work. 

Ask God how you can get involved in what he’s doing!


Father, I could make a list to ask you for, but I recognise and respond to the call you have put on me to influence and touch my city. So, Lord, I ask for the visible and tangible peace that is who you are, to be seen in [your city name], and show me how I can get involved in what you are already doing. I am expectant. Amen

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21 Days of Celebration

Take the adventure through God's word and see transformation in your life as you exercise the muscles of celebration. Much is made about the need for a reason to celebrate. To truly understand the Good News is to focus away from striving for personal accomplishment and instead, walking with the Father God, receiving all that has been accomplished through Jesus on our behalf, empowering us for a life of celebration.
