Yoke Breaking Anointing.Beispiel

Yoke Breaking Anointing.

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here Is No Condemnation In Christ.

When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He grants you a clean slate and your sins are completely wiped away. Your past is forgiven and God Himself sees you through the Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. When you are in Christ, no one can hold your past against you — not even Satan himself. According to Revelation 12:10, Satan is called, “the accuser among the brethren”. So when the accuser tries to throw accusations against you and tries to bring up your past, the Blood of Jesus Christ stands in your defense and covers you. When you are in Christ you are no longer a slave to sin or bound by its power. Condemnation has no power or authority in the life of a Believer. When you are in Christ your sins are forgiven and Satan’s tactics no longer can bind you. Simply turn to Jesus — He’s been waiting.


Father God, in the Name of Jesus, I repent of my sin. I thank You Father for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die in my place. I thank You, Father, that The Blood of Christ covers my sin and shame. I thank You, Father, that there is no condemnation in Christ. Condemnation, rejection, bitterness, and discontentment does not belong to me. I am new in Christ and I am set free by His Blood. I thank You, Father, that I am forgiven and there is nothing that can separate me from Your Love. Father, I thank You for granting me freedom through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Father, I honor You and I choose You. I will live for You forever. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Yoke Breaking Anointing.

Through these daily devotionals, discover how you can overcome every tactic, trap, and snare of the enemy. “Yoke Breaking Anointing”, was designed to teach readers how to deploy God’s Word and disarm the enemy’s war tactics. Discover how through Jesus Christ, addiction, lust, depression, sickness, and all power of the enemy is defeated. Become victorious and allow Christ to break every yoke of bondage from your life.
