(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:12-13
First Nations Version
Because evildoers will grow strong, the love in many hearts will grow cold— but the ones who stand firm in their faith to the end will be set free and made whole.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:12-13
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:14
“The good story about Creator’s good road will be told in truth for all the nations of this world to hear. Then the end will come.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:14
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:6
“When you hear of wars and stories of war breaking out, do not fear, for all of this must happen, but the end will not come all at once.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:6
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:7-8
There will be tribal wars, and nations will make war against other nations. Food will be scarce, and the earth will shake in many places— but this is only the beginning of the time of sorrow, like a woman feeling the pains of birth.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:7-8
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:35
The earth and sky, as we know them, will fade away, but my words will never fade!
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:35
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:5
“for many will come falsely representing who I am and say, ‘I am the Chosen One,’ and many will follow them to a bad end.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:5
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:9-11
“Because you represent me, you will be looked down on by all the nations. They will hunt you down and kill you, all because you follow me. When this happens, many will stumble on the path and even hate and betray each other. “Then many false prophets will rise up and lead many down false paths.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:9-11
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:4
“Beware of those who would lead you down a false path,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) warned them
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:4
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:44
Just like this elder, you must be ready, for the True Human Being will not come at the time you expect him to.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:44
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:42
So be on the lookout, because you never know when your Honored Chief will arrive.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:42
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:36
“But no one knows the day or hour that these things will take place. Not the spirit-messengers from the spirit-world above, not even Creator’s own Son, but only the Great Spirit, who is our Father from above, knows.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:36
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:24
for false Chosen Ones will rise up and false prophets will appear. They will provide great signs and omens to mislead the people. Even Creator’s Chosen Ones will be tempted to believe them.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:24
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:37-38-39
“When the True Human Being comes, it will be like it was in the days before the great flood in the time of One Who Rests (Noah) . In those days the people were eating and drinking and getting married until the day that One Who Rests (Noah) entered the great wooden canoe. No one knew what was happening until the floodwaters came, washed them away, and drowned them all. It will be the same when the True Human Being appears.
Studiere (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 24:37-38-39