His Name Is....Uddrag

His Name Is....

DAG 25 AF 27

READ: John 16:25-33

SOAP: John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 

Jesus lived among us and knows our human perspective. He knew His disciples suffered from human forgetfulness and would need reminders to keep Him close after He ascended into heaven. So He etched His peace into their hearts. 

As believers in Christ, He etched His peace into our hearts as well. If you are sealed in His name, you are secured in His victory over evil. No matter where you go or what you stand up against, all you need is to run your fingers over His impression. When you aim His peace at your situation, you can overcome anything because He has already overcome everything. 

God, Your Word is full of Your promises. But so often we forget them. When we do, we need You to take us by the hand and press our fingers onto Your impression in our hearts. Remind us where You reside and that Your throne of grace is mightier than everything we will ever face!

Dag 24Dag 26

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His Name Is....

Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name....Philippians 2:9  When it comes to God, one name just isn't adequate enough to tell of His great character and mighty power. One name simply cannot contain our Savior. Through studying the names of God, we get to know our Savior more fully and spend time adoring Him for who He is.
