Find Freedom In God's FavorUddrag

Find Freedom In God's Favor

DAG 7 AF 7

Fighting as a Child of God

What an epic adventure this Christian life is! No, it’s not an easy road, but Jesus never told us it would be. In fact, he told us exactly the opposite: “In the world you will have tribulation,” he said. Yet then there was this: “But take heart; I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33, ESV). 

I hope you can see the beauty of all we’ve been discovering together these past seven days. It’s not the kind of false, plastic beauty that doesn’t recognize the pain and struggle of this life. We do struggle, and really we shouldn’t expect anything else as those who are united to Jesus the Crucified. But even in the midst of the struggle, we know that we fight as sons and daughters of God who are favored and loved by our Father. What’s more, the entire Trinity—Father, Son, and Spirit—has devoted himself to our good, to seeing us safely through until we arrive at home.

If you are a Christian, know and revel in the fact that you are dearly loved and deeply cared for. After all, in heaven right now stands Jesus the King—the One who lived for you and died for you, the One to whom you are forever united—and he intercedes for you, defending you against every charge Satan might fling at you. On the throne sits God the Father, the One who loves you from all eternity and now pours out his favor on you because of what his Son has done on your behalf—not the cheap favor of money and earthly pleasure but the everlasting, infinitely valuable favor of eternity. And down here, right now, in the midst of it all, is another—the Holy Spirit—who is praying for you and strengthening you and encouraging you until you are glorified on the last day.

Dear Christian, do not live this life or fight this battle as a broken, shamed slave.

Remember who you are.

Remember whose you are.

You live as one who bears the favor of God. You fight through the struggles of life as a favored, well-pleasing child of the King.


Pray for God’s help to step into the dignity you have as one accepted and loved by the King, to persevere, and to win through to victory by God’s mercy.

Dag 6

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Find Freedom In God's Favor

Unlike what many people assume, being favored by God is not just a matter of finding a good parking spot, or having a fat bank account, or even seeing your life fulfilled with thriving relationships. It is infinitely more than that. It’s about eternal blessings and riches that are beyond anything you could ever ask or imagine. Come spend seven days learning about God’s favor toward you !
