Reflections on TruthUddrag

Reflections on Truth

DAG 31 AF 31

We hear this scripture quoted at weddings. We sit there, hands interlocked with our spouses, reminiscing on our special day. We nod in agreement as we witness the beautiful couple exchange vows, committing their lives to each other. I think back to my wedding day. I realised the gravity of the promises I was making to my husband and though I finished the line with “I do”, I didn’t know how challenging this scripture would be to live up to in this journey called Marriage.

Marriage has taught me a lot. I’ve realised a side of me I didn’t know existed, particularly around handling conflict. Like the time we were mid-argument, and I had the urge to throw the dishes I held in my hands as I was fuming with anger. Instead, I decided to save the dishes we’d so kindly been gifted on our wedding day, stormed outside, banging the door behind me as loud as possible, and sped off in the car like a maniac. I didn’t know I had that anger in me. It must’ve taken getting married for it to reveal itself. I realise now, that because I love my husband so much, he also can hurt me so much. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever, and love becomes a choice - not always a feeling.

I realise that the virtues in this passage relate to the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5v22-23 (NKJV). ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.’ In John 15 we read about abiding in the Vine who is Jesus, and that if we abide in Him, and He in us, we will bear much fruit. When I am intentionally abiding in the Lord, choosing to sit at His feet like Mary, that fruit becomes apparent in my life. It is not my doing, but the Holy Spirit at work within me. When I neglect to spend time with the Lord and allow the cares of this world to take priority, like Martha, I lack that fruit, and my “throwing dishes” tendencies reveal themselves.

Truth is a fundamental aspect of love. The Bible is truth and acts like a mirror, revealing our not-so-beautiful side. Truth humbles us, reminding us of our imperfections and our need for grace. It binds us together in authentic relationships built on trust and transparency.


Lord, thank You for the Truth of Your Word. Help us to abide in You, so that your fruit will be evident in our lives, and we will be able to love You and each other as we ought.

Dag 30

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Reflections on Truth

Embark on a 31-day transformative journey by delving into the theme of TRUTH from a biblical perspective. "Reflections on Truth" takes you on a captivating exploration of the Bible's view of Truth through 31 carefully selected verses. Start the Reading Plan today and uncover the timeless truths waiting to be discovered within His Word!
