Back to the BasicsUddrag

Back to the Basics

DAG 1 AF 5

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Have you ever embarked on an assignment or project, only to realize halfway through that you never fully read the instructions? Perhaps it was briefly explained to you in a conversation, and you assumed it would be straightforward without fully understanding the details. But as you progress, it becomes evident that you completely misunderstood the assignment, leaving you with no choice but to start from scratch.

Just as we might start a project without a complete understanding of the instructions, we can begin our walk with Christ with a rather superficial understanding of our faith. We may assume that the basics are self-explanatory and that we can navigate our spiritual path with our own understanding. However, over time, we may find that we've misunderstood or entirely underestimated the profound importance of these foundational elements.

Practicing spiritual disciplines and incorporating them into our daily lives serve as the tools and guidelines that help us fulfill the original intent behind our very creation! These disciplines, such as prayer, meditation on scripture, fasting, and scripture reading are the detailed instructions that assist us in building a strong foundation in our relationship with Christ. They guide us in aligning our lives more closely with His teachings and His example, ultimately leading us to become more like Christ.

As we journey through this series, remember that these spiritual disciplines are not mere habits to add to your routine; they are the tools through which we have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of God's Word! It is pure joy that we can enter closeness with the Lord through this lifelong transformation. It is our responsibility to use these disciplines to strengthen our faith and live out the gospel in every moment.

Dag 2

Om denne plan

Back to the Basics

At times, our Christian walk can seem complex, but fortunately enough we have been provided with a powerful guide -- scripture. Returning to the fundamentals of Christianity, we see the disciplines that the Lord established to shape our lives. This plan will explore four key basic practices that serve as the building blocks for disciples of Christ. These practices provide a firm foundation for a life centered on Christ.
