A Word in SeasonUddrag

A Word in Season

DAG 2 AF 5

The Great Exchange

In Isaiah 53:4–6, we are given the incredible promises of God through Christ, the Suffering Servant (King) who makes atonement for us. He bore our griefs and sorrows. He was stricken, afflicted, and wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities, crushed for our peace, and by His Stripes, we are healed.

What a prophetic picture of the Atonement that took place 2,000 years ago. I call this the Great Exchange. It was fulfilled through the high cost of Love on Calvary. Jesus bore the Cup of Suffering, the Crown of Thorns (suffering), and the brutality of the Cross so that we could exchange our filthy rags for Robes of Righteousness. We can receive the Crown of Righteousness, the Crown of Life, the Crown of Glory, an Imperishable Crown, and the Crown of Rejoicing through Him.

Also, a significant event occurred at the end of Jesus’ time on the Cross. At the very moment that He cried out with a loud voice, “‘It is finished!’” and bowed His head, giving up His spirit (John 19:30), the veil in the temple ripped from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51).

The veil was of considerable size and weight. So, when Matthew describes the veil being torn from top to bottom, he describes a supernatural event. We are looking at nothing less than the Hand of God reaching down to rip away what separated us from His Presence!

This veil in the temple separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies because the Holiness of God would not allow the presence of sinful flesh before Him. No one was allowed to go behind the veil into the Presence of God except for once a year, on the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest was permitted to enter to make atonement for the people.

When Jesus, the High Priest of the new covenant, finished His Work on the Cross, He shouted, “IT IS FINISHED!” His Sacrifice was not only acceptable but so perfect and powerful that it ripped away all that separated us from the Throne Room of God, giving all of us access to God’s Presence through faith. Through the great exchange with Jesus, we are righteous and welcomed into the very Presence of God.

Dear Jesus, all I can say is thank You for accepting my filthy rags and giving me a Robe of Righteousness in return. Your Love humbles me so. Amen.

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A Word in Season

God is always speaking; we must learn to heed His Voice. This devotional means to empower you to hear what He is saying to you. As you tune your ear to the Father’s Voice and obey His Word, you will begin to hear “A Word in Season” for your life at every turn!
