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Trusting God When Life Is Hard

DAG 4 AF 5

God’s Sovereignty Is Inspiring

We all need inspiration to accomplish great things, including King David. David was more than just a great leader; he was a great hunter and warrior—a true man’s man. You wouldn’t think a man like that would also be a great musician, but he was. And like every musician who produces songs, David needed inspiration.

Behind the words of every song, spiritual or secular, you will find an inspired writer. There’s always a story behind every song. Sometimes, songs are written out of life’s tragedies. At other times, songs are written out of life’s triumphs. But the one thing they all have in common is inspiration.

God’s sovereignty inspired David to write the song recorded in 2 Samuel 22. After thousands of years, we’re still reading David’s song of thanksgiving that both outlived him and continues to give God glory.

We read in verse 1: “David spoke the words of this song to the Lord on the day the Lord rescued him from the grasp of all his enemies and from the grasp of Saul.” Being a musician, what probably started as speaking for David soon turned into singing the words of this song to the Lord.

Notice when David became inspired to write this song. We read in verse 1: “On the day the Lord rescued him.” Not one day later. Not one week later. Not one year later. But “on the day the Lord rescued him.” David wasted no time in writing this song. His heart was so full of gratitude he couldn’t hold it in. That’s how inspiration works, isn’t it? It invades our lives when we least expect it. David recognized his moment of inspiration and moved on it.

Notice in verses 2–3 the depth of God’s sovereignty in his life: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock where I seek refuge. My shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, my refuge, and my Savior, you save me from violence.” Did you notice how personal God’s sovereignty was in his life? My rock. My fortress. My deliverer. My God. My rock. My shield. My stronghold. My refuge. And then finally, my Savior.

When times got hard, David learned that the Lord was sovereign and his only security. Have you ever wondered what keeps God so faithful to you, especially during difficult days? The answer is found in verse 20, where David said, “He brought me out to a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Do you know that God delights in you? He delights in me. God takes pleasure in us.

Learn this today: because God is sovereign, you are secure. Therefore, rest in his sovereignty. Because God is sovereign, he is your rock, your fortress, your deliverer, your shield, your salvation, your stronghold, your refuge, and yes, your Savior!

Celebrate it today! Confess it today! Cherish it today: our Savior is sovereign!

Today’s Prayer

Lord, we acknowledge your sovereignty over our life. Therefore, we know nothing can get to us without first going through you. We trust you for our eternity. Help us to trust you with the here and now. You are my rock, refuge, shield, and Savior. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Dag 3Dag 5

Om denne plan

Trusting God When Life Is Hard

Trusting God is easy when times are good when we’re healthy and happy, prosperous, and protected. But how do we rest in his sovereignty when we don’t understand his plan? This five-day devotional by Ernest Easley looks to Paul and David—men who had their share of trials—to learn more about how to rest in God’s sovereignty.
