The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."Uddrag

The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."

DAG 4 AF 5

Day Four: Being An Answer

When Jesus experienced compassion, he responded with action. This led to his ultimate act of compassion as he went to the cross, shedding his blood, and absorbing the wrath of God on our behalf. Then, three days later, he rose from the grave. Without this action, his compassion for “sheep without a shepherd” would have only been a sympathetic emotion. A powerful feeling but void of what was necessary to alleviate the problem. However, Jesus’ acted in love, setting an example for his followers.

We can certainly “Be an Answer” to the Lord’s request by praying for workers. But that’s only part of “Being an Answer.” Like Christ, we too are called to action by “going” into the harvest and, in essence, become an answer to our own prayers.

In Matthew 10:1 and Luke 10:3, we learn that the same people Jesus asked to pray are the ones he also sent. In fact, praying “sending prayers” is one way the Lord prepares us to go. For some, this means going to people where you live and work. Jesus told a former demon-possessed man, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5:19, NIV). Others may go further geographically. Either way, the harvest is plentiful, and workers are needed everywhere. Thankfully, it’s the Lord who’s empowered you and I for this task.

Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses. . . (Acts 1:8, ESV). When you and I trusted in Christ; we were given the Spirit and his power (Acts 2:38). We may not always “feel” his power but it’s there. Even when we experience fear (which is normal, see Acts 18:9-10), his power and presence are still there. A parked car has power. It simply awaits someone to start the ignition and activate that power. Similarly, whenever we begin to share Christ, his life and power within us activates to accomplish his will and purposes. Because of the Holy Spirit, you and I can “be an answer” to the prayer request of Christ and make an impact through prayer as well as action.

Lord, I ask that you send workers into your harvest. Thank you for empowering me to be a witness for you. Guide me to the people and places you’re sending me to share your good news.

Matthew 10:1-5
Luke 10:1-3
Acts 2:32-38
Acts 18:9-10

Dag 3Dag 5

Om denne plan

The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."

When Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, he also provided the initial step for solving this dilemma. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2, NIV). This plan examines how praying “sending prayers,” enables followers of Jesus, to have an impact in advancing the gospel.
