Our Modern Warfare (Part 2)Uddrag

Our Modern Warfare (Part 2)

DAG 1 AF 7

Belt of Truth

I have never witnessed someone carelessly throw a hazmat suit on and then jump into the middle of a chemical spill. The hazmat suit is only effective when it’s put on correctly and in its entirety. Wearing half of the hazmat suit would be reckless and dangerous. What good would the suit be if not worn in its entirety?

This is how we should look at our spiritual armor. Paul instructs us two separate times to make sure we are wearing all of our armor so we can resist our enemy and stand strong.

The belt of truth is the foundation for the rest of our armor to stand on, providing strength and stability. The truth Paul refers to is God’s truth, and when we have God’s truth (His Word) at our core, it provides the firm foundation necessary for defeating our enemy.

A weak core not only increases our chance of injury, but it also hinders our progress. If we are not firmly grounded in God’s Word, it’s impossible to have a core strong enough to hold our armor up and be successful against our enemy. Our enemy is a liar, consistently twisting and manipulating the truth to suit his evil purpose.

A warrior must know what God’s Word says in order to silence the enemy. If we don’t know what God’s Word says, we are 100 times more likely to listen to the lies of our enemy. Our belt of truth helps us decipher truth from trash. God’s truth sets us free from the lies our enemy uses against us, making us slaves to him. Believing the enemy’s lies only continues the cycle of slavery. Jesus’ precious blood has already won our freedom and the belt of truth guards our life from the destruction the enemy’s lies bring.

The belt of truth holds God’s Word as the standard for our life, wrapping truth around our entire life and giving us the wisdom needed to decode the enemy’s lies and tricks. We use our belt of truth to whip the enemy back by boldly declaring God’s truth. When women keep the belt of truth wrapped around their lives, they will be able to stand firm on the battlefield.
Dag 2

Om denne plan

Our Modern Warfare (Part 2)

God didn’t leave His daughters to face a viscous enemy alone. He’s given us His very own armor so we can experience victory over the enemy. Jesus’ blood has already won the war, freeing us from the power of the enemy, but few are living within this freedom. This plan will give specific examples on how God’s Word teaches His warriors to wear their armor and fight back.
