God's 7 Promises for YouUddrag

God's 7 Promises for You

DAG 6 AF 7

God will give you a new heart

I have a close friend who just finished an amazing journey. Several years ago, he had a massive heart attack and as a result, was placed on a waiting list for a heart transplant. For over a year, my friend carried a heart pump unit, which kept his blood flowing, keeping him alive! With all of the patience we could muster, his close group of friends prayed that God would give him a new heart. We prayed and waited, waited and prayed.

One day, the phone call we had all been waiting for happened. Our friend rushed to the other side of the state and in a matter of days and received a new heart. Right now, he is recovering and doing well with a miracle beating in his chest!

As I walked with my friend, these are some of the lessons that I learned: Keep asking God for your miracle. Persistence is an amazing way to develop patience at the same time. Trust that God’s timing is always perfect and powerful. Use prayer as a way to build faith and community.

My friend’s journey has shown me so much about my spiritual journey. Honestly, there are times when I feel discouraged and even jaded. The weariness of this broken world can take a toll. But, when I feel weary of doing good and my heart feels as if it is becoming hard to the voice of God, I remember a promise that sustains and uplifts me from the book of Ezekiel:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV)

What a promise! When my heart becomes hard and weary, I can ask God for a new one! Only He can make all things new!

Do you want even better news today? God is our heart donor! When we ask for a new heart, He offers us His! Jesus laid down His life so that we could receive the gift of eternity, salvation and a heart after God’s own heart! When you have God’s heart, you live differently, you love differently, you forgive differently, and you face tomorrow differently.

Take a moment and thank God for the promise of a new heart. Wherever your heart is weary or worn out, take God up on His promise of a brand-new one!

Let’s not grow weary in doing good. Why? Because there is a promise attached to that encouragement as well.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9, NIV)

We will reap a miraculous harvest if we live out God’s purpose with all of our hearts!

If you need a new heart today – ask for one!! God promises He will always say yes.

You are a miracle.

Your friend,

Grant Fishbook

Dag 5Dag 7

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God's 7 Promises for You

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