A Kid's Guide To: Knowing Who God IsUddrag

A Kid's Guide To: Knowing Who God Is

DAG 3 AF 7

The Highest Standard

Everything you were taught can be put into a few words: Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about. God will judge everything we do, even what is done in secret, whether good or bad.
Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 (CEV)

Who loves you enough to push you to be your best? Hopefully several people in your life, like your parents, teachers, or your friends.

And most of all, God does! He knows what is best for you, so he gives you rules and directions that will keep you safe and help you make good decisions. Nothing is hidden from him. He knows your actions, thoughts, and feelings.

God also punishes bad behavior. This may sound harsh, but it’s for his good purpose. Just like your parents correct you when you do wrong, God does too. He judges you, because he loves you and wants what is best for you.

He holds you to the highest standard—to be holy like him. God is making us into the image of his Son, Jesus—the perfect and holy one.

Thankfully, he also sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Because of Jesus, we can be forgiven. Because of the Holy Spirit, we have help to do the right things.

All of this means we can say, “Thank you God for loving us enough to judge us!”


Set up a target at which you can kick a soccer ball. Try 10 kicks. How many times did you hit the mark? Now back up another 5 feet and try again. It gets harder! Aren’t you glad God forgives us when we miss the target God sets for us in his Word?


Forgive me, God, for the many times I don’t do the right thing. Thank you for your judgment and forgiveness.


Related passages: These additional verses will help you expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

1 Chronicles 16:33

Psalm 51:10–12

Matthew 25:41

Romans 5:8–9

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A Kid's Guide To: Knowing Who God Is

If God were standing right next to you, what would you ask him? A big and powerful God who you can't see can be confusing, but he loves to help you understand. In this 7-day devotional, designed specially for kids between the ages of 8-12, you'll learn who God is, how much he loves you and how you can follow His plan for your life.
