Chris Quilala - Split The SkyUddrag

Chris Quilala - Split The Sky

DAG 3 AF 7

Because of Your Love

When writing this song, the songwriters and I started sharing what God has done in our lives. We talked about where we’ve been and where we’ve ended up. We talked about times in our lives that caused us to run away from God or turn our backs to the Lord.

This reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son. The parable paints a beautiful picture of a father accepting his own son that had returned home empty-handed, lost, and ashamed. We see the son assuming his father will reject him, but finding the opposite. Luke 15:20 says, “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”

Sometimes we run away from God and try to do things on our own and expect to be rejected upon our return. The reality is, God has been waiting for us and wants us to come as we are. He will always welcome us with open arms. After a drought or darkness, we return to the Father’s loving embrace and He always welcomes us home.

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Om denne plan

Chris Quilala - Split The Sky

An immersive 7-day devotional from Chris Quilala of Jesus Culture, based on his latest album, Split The Sky. 
