How to Hear GodUddrag

How to Hear God

DAG 10 AF 21

Hearing God in Prophecy The purpose of prophecy

‘…I’m in the pub with David. He’s a brilliant young leader I’m mentoring and I’m trying to work out how to challenge him about his unhealthy intensity, without being, well, too intense. There’s a line going around my head about the fruit of the Holy Spirit being joy not intensity, but David interrupts my thoughts, saying he’s got something to discuss. I say, ‘Me too,’ and he says, ‘You first.’

So I take a deep breath and decide to cut to the chase. ‘David, you need joy in your life.’

He gasps and stares at me. ‘Say that again.’

‘I think you need joy in your life.’

‘I need joy in my life?’

‘Yes.’ He’s still staring at me. His mouth is open but there’s no sound.

‘Pete, the thing I was wanting to discuss,’ he says eventually, ‘is a girl I met online. I’m wondering if we should date and, well, I’m freaking out here because her name is Joy!’

David does indeed get Joy in his life. In fact, he marries her. And together they have two beautiful children, serving God today on the frontlines of cross-cultural urban mission. Clearly, sometimes God speaks prophetically in spite of us. And this can be quite a relief.’

Our focus so far has been learning to hear God for ourselves, personally through Scripture, but the primary focus of prophecy is others – to strengthen, encourage, comfort and edify them.

‘This fundamentally loving motivation is mapped out quite clearly by the apostle Paul in his first letter to the church in Corinth. In chapter 12 he lists the ‘gifts of the Spirit’ (including various types of prophecy). In chapter 13 he pens his great hymn to the pre-eminence of love. And then, in chapter 14, he draws the previous two chapters together, saying, ‘Follow the way of love [chapter 13] and eagerly desire . . . prophecy [chapter 12]’. In other words, chapter 13 is not an anomaly. It isn’t a deviation from the prophetic theme of these chapters.

This is not an either/or. There were no chapter divisions in Paul’s original letter. He is urging us to ‘eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy’ precisely because we love other people, and therefore want them to be strengthened, encouraged, comforted and edified by God’s Word.’

Lord, I’m sorry for where my enthusiasm has faded. Help me to earnestly desire your gifts. Holy Spirit, please give me the gift of prophecy today.


Dag 9Dag 11

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How to Hear God

A practical guide to learning to hear God’s voice. Join Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 Prayer, as he explores how to listen for what God might be saying to you. Centred on the story of the disciples who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus, Pete unpacks the many ways that God speaks today.
