Real Hope: The Psalms of DavidUddrag

Real Hope: The Psalms of David

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Certain Confidence

David has always captivated me as a leader. Twice he’s described as ‘a man after God’s own heart’, yet his life is filled with significant challenges and consequences, with anger and passion driving many of his choices. Yet, David’s writings expose something within the man's character that compels us to want to be like him.

To me, it’s always been so striking that David had such confidence in God’s deep love for him without the revelation of Jesus to aid him in his understanding. It’s that deep confidence in who God is that’s captivating. In verse 5 above, we see David cry out to God. David, amid his constant praising of the character of God, whom he lives so intimately with, says how he wants God to respond to his trouble. His phrasing is, ‘He will.’ He doesn’t state with caution but with authority, ‘He will keep me safe,’ ‘He will hide me,’ and ‘He will set me high upon a rock.’ The psalm paints a clear picture of David’s victory and is filled to the brim with adoration of the God under whose authority David places himself.

In his life, we see that David is quick to repent, full of praise, authentic in his troubles, and confident of his position to God. How different would our lives be if we faced our troubles with David’s confidence? Even when he fails, David’s heart’s deepest desire is to hide itself in the safe harbour of a loving God. Parts of David’s life would be too hard for many of us to face, but may we learn from his confidence in God so that even in our times of trouble, we may know how safe we are in the arms of our protective, loving, safe, beautiful kingly God.

Written by SUSIE HOLT

Dag 3Dag 5

Om denne plan

Real Hope: The Psalms of David

King David truly was a ‘hero of the faith’ – the only person mentioned more in scripture than him was Jesus Himself. He was, however, far from perfect. In his life, he was confronted by many challenges, some of his own making, some through no fault of his own, but despite all this, he stayed faithful till the end. In this plan, we’ll explore together five of the psalms David wrote throughout his life. How did King David navigate the seasons of joy, trouble, and the immense difficulty he came across? What insights can we draw from David’s life that could impact our own?
