Has Life Surprised You?Uddrag

Has Life Surprised You?

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Good Things Are in Your Future!

After those four years of working hard at my writing job and speaking God’s Word over my life every time I got discouraged, something wonderful happened. I got a call from the Bible school in town where my husband had attended all those years before, and they offered me my dream job.

I became an instructor at that school, and as a result – besides teaching there and loving my job -- I was invited to speak at churches and Bible schools of graduates all over the US and the world. It was certainly exceedingly above anything I could have asked or thought! (Ephesians 3:20)

Only God could have arranged it, and I wouldn’t have gotten that job if I hadn’t moved, then serving faithfully where He had put me, and kept my faith on the bright future He had promised me in His Word, even when sitting in a cubicle looked like the furthest thing from it.

Sometimes life surprises you. Things don’t look like you expect. It’s easy to feel like a victim and believe nothing but your circumstances. But keep believing God! Keep pressing into His Word and saying what He says about you. Refuse to be moved by what things look like, because God is always working behind the scenes when you trust Him. He can always cause you to triumph when you keep believing.

Maybe things look bad for you right now. Can you trust Him? He still has a good plan and purpose for you. But if you quit, you’ll never find out what it is. If you camp out in a victim mentality, you’ll never get to your promised land.

My best advice is keep going. Your life may look different now than you expected, but don’t spend all your time looking back. Look forward. Be led by the Spirit, move when He says move, stay when He says stay, and be faithful and obedient. His plan is working, and good things are in your future!

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Has Life Surprised You?

Has life ever thrown you a curve? Sometimes it’s a good surprise – but sometimes it’s a bad one, and it can be devastating. When we get surprised by life, it’s easy to get a victim mentality or ask, “Why me?” But remember this – nothing catches God by surprise. He still has a good plan! Here’s how to keep moving forward, even when you’re surprised by where you find yourself.
