A Miracle for (You)Uddrag

A Miracle for (You)

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God can do more than we could imagine!

My friend Monte is a miracle!

Monte battled an addiction to alcohol and with the help and strength of Jesus, he overcame the addiction. Today he helps others overcome their own struggles. Monte’s deliverance and recovery are a miracle!

During this time, Monte’s wife Connie battled cancer and even though we asked God for the miracle of Connie being able to stay with us, Jesus chose to take her home. One of the miracles in this story is how Monte’s faith grew as He trusted Jesus with the love of his life.

A few years ago, Monte was playing racquetball and he collapsed with a massive heart attack. Monte’s friends performed CPR on their friend and kept him alive so that he could reach the hospital. For days, Monte hovered between life and death while his family and friends prayed for a miracle. The doctors prepared all of us for the worst, so we turned to the greatest doctor of them all, the Great Physician...Jesus! Jesus answered our prayers and Monte woke up!

As Monte recovered, it became clear that he was going to need another miracle. After everything Monte had survived, there was still another challenge to overcome. Monte needed a new heart. For months, the same friends who had prayed for his first and second recovery, passionately prayed that God would provide a heart for transplant surgery.

The verse that I claimed for Monte during that time was:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV)

Just a few weeks ago, Jesus said “Yes!” and Monte received his new heart. As I am writing this to you, Monte is gaining strength, and recovering well after his heart transplant. As he would say, “I guess God has more to do!”

No matter what your story is or what miracle you need today,God is MORE THAN ABLE to come through for you in the same way that He has come through for Monte.

Listen to this amazing scripture that talks about our miracle-working God!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)

My favourite word in those verses is the word – MORE! God can do MORE than we can ask or even imagine. I know this is true because of all of God’s answers that I have seen in Monte’s life. I hope that Monte’s story is a great encouragement to you. What God has done for Monte, He can do for you....and even MORE!!!!

Attached to this message I wanted to share with you Cara’s miracle. Cara had struggled for years with drug & alcohol addiction and hoped for a better life for her daughter. After praying in church for her daughter's protection, Cara's custody was removed & her daughter was taken from her home – but God had a plan. This inspired Cara to fight for her faith & her family. Nine years later, a sober, recovering Cara had the privilege of watching her now 16-year daughter get baptized in the very place she asked for her protection! Click here to hear about Cara’s miracle.

Believing with you for your miracle!

You are a miracle!

Your friend,


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A Miracle for (You)

Miracles happen around us, but do we believe they can happen to us? How can you open your eyes and see the miracles which God brings to you every day, in the good, the hard, and the unbearable? You are invited to look up and around and see the goodness and faithfulness of God’s miracles in your life.
