21 Ways To Thrive By 45Uddrag

21 Ways To Thrive By 45

DAG 11 AF 21

Develop a Rhythm of Prayer

Prayer isn’t a slot machine. It’s a conversation. One that invites us to rely on our Savior. It’s in prayer we move from desperate to hopeful. Terrified to courageous. Frazzled to peaceful.

It’s easy to miss a spiritual practice as accessible as prayer. We resolve to let others do the grunt work of prayer, asking them to pray because we believe they have better access to the throne room, but the truth is: we have unlimited access to the Father. He hears our prayers and they are powerful and effective.

Sometimes we fret and worry never choosing a position of prayer. In worry, we spin our wheels and gain no ground. In prayer, we strengthen the soul of our faith and invite Jesus to have his way in our lives.

There are no rules to prayer, but there are practices that may help connect us when we seem directionless such as:

Gratitude. Thank Jesus for what he has done in your life. 1 Thessalonians tells us to rejoice. To celebrate what Christ has done in our lives both in our present privilege and hopes for tomorrow.

Praise. Worship Jesus for who he is. Your Advocate. Your Hope. Your Truth. Your Compass. Your Savior. Your Companion. Your Redeemer. Full of grace and mercy. Abounding in love. Patient peaceful.

Confession. We thrive in our relationship with Jesus when we’re honest. Honest with our sin, our doubt, and our fears. 1 John 1:9 instructs us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Forgiveness and freedom in Christ are attainable in our confession and repentance.

Intercession. Our ears and eyes are bombarded with needs from those around us and stories from our newsfeeds. We aren’t hopeless to help. We intercede, offering prayers to the Father to move and work on someone else’s behalf.

Supplication. Prayer isn’t listing everything we want to make our life perfect and pain-free. It’s communion with our Wonderful Counselor where we seek his will for life and ask for his unmistakable ways to be present in our situations.

No matter if it's the first thing in the morning, muttered in the shower, before a meal, or throughout your day, seek a rhythm of prayer. You’ll find heart and soul will flourish despite any circumstance or troubles as you confide in the Lord.

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21 Ways To Thrive By 45

More than a detox, every woman can take intentional steps to be the image bearer God uniquely intended her to be. Each day of this 21-day plan we'll address hang-ups and choose new habits that invite our souls to thrive. No matter if you’re a woman in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s, there’s ample supply of God’s goodness, understanding, and restoration to flourish in your season of life.
