Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church Uddrag

Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church

DAG 9 AF 19

Day 9

When we hear the story of Mary and the conception of Jesus, it can be very surreal and difficult to grasp. That’s why it requires faith; it’s not our instinct to believe in something like pregnancy by the Holy Spirit! But Joseph? Surely he had to feel betrayed, lost, and hurt that his bride-to-be was seemingly unfaithful. The anticipation and excitement leading up to their marriage came crashing down at the news that she was expecting a child.

Joseph was already taking the higher road by attempting to divorce Mary “honorably and quietly.” Back in this time, Jewish law stated that had Mary been unfaithful, which was what was assumed at the time, she would have been subject to be placed before the elders to be judged and stoned to death. Being a righteous man, Joseph strived to protect Mary from her honor being stripped away from her. Although he was doing the noble thing in this situation, that couldn’t have changed the heartbreak and confusion he was experiencing.

Then, one night, everything changed. An angel appeared to him in a dream and confirmed that what Isaiah had prophesied 700 years earlier was finally happening: our Immanuel, God with us, was going to be born by a virgin. It was then that he had the faith and boldness to walk in obedience and follow through with what God had in store for his new family.

It’s no secret that life is full of twists and turns. Nobody is immune from the potential of receiving news that completely rock us, curveballs that shatter us, and interactions that change everything in an instant. Like Joseph, there will be times when situations will be placed in front of us that don’t seem to make any sense whatsoever. Something even harder to stomach is that sometimes, we aren’t going to get the answers and clarity Joseph got. These realities are all a result of us living in a broken world. But even then, we can hold fast to what we know is true: God is good, and He will work everything for your good and His glory.

Rather than letting a confusing or hurtful situation steer you off track, press into the Holy Spirit and let His voice guide you. You have the choice to trust Him, even if it seems unreasonable. In Joseph’s obedience, God was able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than he could have ever imagined. Who says He can’t do the same with you?

Action Step: Reflect on a time when you lost all hope, but God came through and revealed His purpose and glory to you. Write down a prayer of thanksgiving for His provision and unwavering character!

Dag 8Dag 10

Om denne plan

Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church

This three week plan walks us through the timeless wonder of how God came to us through His son, Jesus. The plan is designed to begin on a Monday so that each weekend will include shorter content meant for rest and reflection during the holiday season. Join us as we study what the birth of Christ means for our future, present, and past.
