Monday Morning Faith: A 3-Day Devotional by SEU WorshipUddrag

Monday Morning Faith: A 3-Day Devotional by SEU Worship

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A Call to Daily Worship

“My soul sings in the morning

I love the king and He loves me

All that I’m compelled to bring

Is my everyday offering”

- Lyrics from Monday Morning Faith by SEU Worship and Chelsea Plank

A child laid a single apple seed into a small hole in the earth. “Soon,” she thought to herself, “I’ll have my very own apple tree.” As her pride and excitement grew the sun went down and she eventually laid her head to rest in anticipation of a newly planted tree. Much to her surprise, the following morning there was not a tree where she planted the seed. In fact, there was no sign of growth at all. “Things like a tree take time,” her mother began to instruct, “A tree does not grow in a day, but grows daily.” This is a simple parable, but a good lens through which we can think about our faith and relationship to Jesus. Worship and devotion doesn’t happen in a single day; it happens daily.

The prophet Jeremiah wrote the words of Lamentations during a bleak and hopeless season. The people of Israel were living in exile and under the oppressing rule of ungodly leaders. It seemed like all hope was lost, but still he relied on the mercy of God to renew his spirit everyday. He wrote the words, “His mercies are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Too often, we lose sight of the fact that God’s love and mercy is ever present to us. The fact that there is breath in your lungs is evidence enough that God’s life-giving power is at work in you! Everyday we get a chance to celebrate his new mercies, and walk in the freedom that Christ invites us to.

Around the globe churches gather weekly to celebrate the resurrection power of Jesus as a community. Every Sunday we have an opportunity to gather with saints and worship alongside one another.

But what about Monday morning? What about the rest of the week? Sunday worship gatherings are a great way to engage with God and grow in our faith. But further growth requires us to engage past Sunday and into a future where God delights in our company everyday.

Just like the tree, No one becomes mature in a single day, but daily we can begin to grow in the things of God. Will you take up the challenge to grow with God daily? Like a tree planted in good soil.

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Monday Morning Faith: A 3-Day Devotional by SEU Worship

A seed does not become a tree in a day; similar to how we do not grow to have rooted faith in a day. It is daily. Satan is not scared of a Sunday faith, but he trembles at the faithful Christian who walks with the Lord daily! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Join us in this devotional as we prioritize our daily walk with our Father.
