Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of JesusUddrag

Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of Jesus

DAG 3 AF 7

If you’ve ever experienced a long, lonely night, you appreciate the initial, bright rays of day blinking the shades of darkness away.  

When the news of Jesus’ birth was given to Mary and spoken of by Zacharias, the first hues of a new kind of light broke through the deepest darkness of all:  death itself.  The specter of death is a night shadow that hangs over every person on the planet!  But although that long night is something we all must face, it’s not a conversation anyone wants to have… except God.  

God comes near.  He initiates, and He begins this challenging conversation in a very gentle and personal way!  He shares His plan to save us from death through two pregnancies that could never have happened apart from His creative power.  What a way to highlight the fact that He is the Author of Life!   

God shares the story of His “tender mercy” first through John the Baptist, whose parents were way past childbearing years when John was conceived. Then through Jesus, God’s beloved Son, sent from heaven to shine on us and miraculously conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit before her ever knowing a husband. Thus, God juxtaposes the difference between death, sin, and darkness with new life, holiness, and light!  

As we prepare ourselves to celebrate Jesus’ birth this Christmas, remember that in trusting Him, we are miraculously born into a new life that God has initiated and given, full of light that dispels the shadows of death and brings our souls peace. 

Reflection Question

Is there a particular area in your life where you know you need the miraculous light of Jesus to dispel any lingering darkness? Inviting His presence into that identified area will transform you.


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to bring us new life! We invite Him into our hearts today to forgive our sin, cancel our fear of death, and shine His presence of love and light into every area of our lives. Amen. 

Dag 2Dag 4

Om denne plan

Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of Jesus

Discover the heart of Jesus this Christmas season as we follow the star in this seven-day devotional! The star led the Magi as they followed that glowing light for many days before it finally stopped over the place Jesus was, and there they worshipped Him. Discovering Jesus' heart means shining the light of His love this Christmas season, so others can follow that glow and find Him, too.
