Prayer & PerseveranceUddrag

Prayer & Perseverance

DAG 3 AF 6

We now have the story that precedes this prayer, and I believe that knowing the context helps us better understand why the disciples prayed the way they did. What’s astonishing in the first part of the prayer is the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty in their situation and their request—not that God change the situation, but that He give them perseverance in the midst of challenging circumstances. 

My response to difficulties is to ask that God change the situation so that it’s no longer difficult, not that God strengthen me and help me withstand the challenge. It’s not wrong to ask for a change in circumstance, but how much more powerful is it to stand firm when things are hard than when things are easy? 

As we read yesterday, we will always face trials, but we have access to the Lord’s power, and He will strengthen us to persevere—we just have to ask. 

What challenging situation are you facing that the Lord may want to strengthen and grow you in rather than changing the circumstance? How does knowing that the Lord is sovereign encourage you in difficult situations? What else stands out to you from this prayer?

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Prayer & Perseverance

What happens when God’s people pray? How ready are you to stop what you are doing and minister to someone in need? Or to justify the way you live to others? How about when situations are difficult? How do we respond? In this study, we’ll dive into a story in Acts to see how God worked in an unexpected situation and how it applies to us today.
