Find Your BraveUddrag

Find Your Brave

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I was raised to be independent, and just like toddlers, I wanted to do things “by myself.” I was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, and I determined to be the strong one. I didn’t want my family or friends to worry, so I did not show my fear. I let people know that I could handle the trips to get treatments on my own; I didn’t need anyone to go with me. But too soon, I started to crumble. I really thought I could handle this by myself. I was wrong. Yes, I prayed. Yes, I spoke the truth of God’s Word. But I needed something else. I needed the support of other people in order to find my brave.


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a (NIV)

We are part of an awesome company of women around the planet. You are not alone. Let me say that again: you are not alone. The heartbreaking reality is that so many people live isolated lives. While there are certainly no perfect people, there are those around you, in your school, your community, your church, who will bring strength to you and who will help you find your brave. You will fulfill what God created you to do only by getting and staying connected with those who join you on the journey. You were not created to solve all of life’s problems on your own.

We were not created to function at our best in isolation. We were designed to function as a part of something bigger. We find our brave in being part of a team. A community.

We have got to get good at this. It is definitely not easy. Why? Because people are weird. People can be hard to get along with. People can hurt us. And yet, God asks us to love one another. To work together as a body, to be one another’s support. Just as the finger needs the hand and the leg needs a knee, we need one another. We won’t get through the battles and challenges of life alone. We just won’t. I know this, because I’ve tried—and I nearly sank under the waves.

ACTION: Who can you call today to get support from? Who can you give support to?

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Find Your Brave

Have you ever felt as if one storm after another was crashing against your life? Like you weren’t sure which end was up or how you were going to get through it? Maybe it is cancer, or a divorce, or betrayal or bankruptcy or________. But there are certain decisions we make in the midst of challenges that can help us get through it with our faith, relationships, and sanity intact.
