The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in ChristUddrag

The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in Christ

DAG 3 AF 28

“Destination…” Take a few minutes to think about traveling. Have you ever been on a “destination unknown” trip, one of those hop in the car, drive in any direction until you get somewhere kind of trips? Life can be this way. We get to a point where we are not sure where we’re going to end up. That is scary. You’ve been a Christ follower for a few days now. It’s time to talk about destinations, where this life ends and the next life begins. Because you know Christ, you have a new destination for your life. Now the narrow gate is where you are. You took that road when you met Jesus and asked Him into your life. Going down that road means your future is secure. When this life ends, you will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. You used to be on the wide road. The one Jesus says leads to destruction. That place is called hell. People who refuse to accept Christ end up there after they die. What is it like? The Bible describes it as a place of pain and sadness where people are eternally separated from God. Not a place you’d really want to go. Amazing, isn’t it? That one decision, to ask Christ into your life, has eternal, life-changing consequences. After reading the verses for today, take some time and thank God for leading you to the narrow gate. Thank Him for saving you from an eternity in hell. Express your gratefulness to Him for your salvation.
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The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in Christ

Now that you are a Christian, you may be asking questions. What just happened? How do I learn more about God? If you will plan to spend at least five or ten minutes a day alone with God reading this short Bible study, you will learn a lot about God and what has just happened in your life.
